Thursday, November 26, 2009

but we've got one more night

I've been so out of touch with reality the past week, what with the breakdown of my laptop and my phone! Technology just isn't working to my advantage this whole year...but that's going to change soon, i hope!

The flight's tomorrow at 4.40pm And what's there to say? I don't feel like leaving.

It's not that I don't miss my family or my friends. It's just that I've built a life right here in Sydney and leaving for three months is like lifting a dusty lid for the first time in ten years. It's dismantling, and dusty, and it creaks unwillingly.

But on the other hand, I know Singapore will be tonnes of fun and I can't wait to just See my HOUSE and feel the humidity, hear the friendly singlish accents and try to adjust back to hokkien, mandarin, and broken english :)

And yes, I forsee a massive download sesh back home, so thank God there's no cap for the internet, goodness Singtel you rock my sockzx!

Will be back soon enough, got loads to blog about xx

Friday, November 13, 2009

I Want My ITunes Back

I'm FINALLY getting my game on, just need to get it going for the next week and then it's hello sleeping until 12pm and brunches!

God really sustains. He is so faithful, and sometimes when I'm so exhausted, I know I can find rest in Him.

1 Corinthians 8:1-3

...We know that we all possess knowledge. The man who thinks he knows something does not yet know as he ought to know. But the man who loves God is known by God.

And I accept it. I don't know everything. It's impossible. All I do know - and therefore what I should concentrate on doing (what's that? Specialisation? FREE TRADE D: ) is loving Him!

Proclaiming His Glory. Knowing Him and Making Him known.

God Bless x

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The Art of Trench

Burberry has this fantastic picture site on the Art of the Trench, and if I wasn't supposed to be studying, I most definitely would wade through all the amazing pictures up there! The photographs were taken by The Sartorialist, and just looking at all these beautiful people wearing burberry's trench with such style and ease makes me want to scream!



Tuesday, November 10, 2009

For all You are to me

Father true and merciful

Bound to me with love

Adopted in free from all sin

Jesus Saviour glorified

Your offering none could give

I stand before You humbled and in awe

And all

To You God

For all You are to me

There is nothing like

There is nothing like

Your Love

Your Love

Holy Spirit gift of God

Teach my soul to soar

Train me in Your Holy ways oh Lord

I love you forever

I love you forever

I love you forever


Teach my soul to soar

Monday, November 9, 2009

Pleasing God

Fear? Worry? Anxiety? Concerns?

They all distract you from God. They divide - Break down - your devotion to Him.

It's not very hard to comprehend, but particularly easy to miss.

1 Corinthians 7: 32-34

" I would like you to be free from concern. An unmarried man is concerned about the Lord's affairs - how he can please the Lord. But a married man is concerned about the affairs of this world - how he can please his wife - and his interests are divided"

So Paul is talking about marriage, but I mean, why not apply that to LIFE?

Why should we be so consumed with worry? Why should we embrace fear? Why should we allow ourselves to be caught up in the things of the world?

I realised yesterday that no matter how smart you are, or you think you are, or others think you are - it's just smartness. It's a label the world gives. It's based on the standards of this world, this world that is passing away (1 Cor 7:31)
What truly matters is God's wisdom. And that can only come from God. Not by studying, nor books, nor from your tutors, parents, mentors, lecturers. It's supernatural.

1 Cor 1:25

"For the foolishness of God is wiser than man's wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than man's strength"

And I know we're all stressed out about exams. We want to do well, we don't think we're ready.
But instead of worrying, why not focus ALL your attention on PLEASING GOD?

It doesn't mean we don't have to study and work hard, for we can definitely please God with our High distinctions. It's the heart and the attitude that we bring when we are studying. It's doing it for the right reason - for giving honour and praising God.

We need to give our undivided attention to Him. And when we are concerned about pleasing God, all else - the studying, the cramming, the all-nighters - they just fade into the background. They become bearable. They cease to matter, for we are praising, Pleasing God!

Don't look forward to your results, to the holidays, to the end of this torturous period. Look forward to God saying "well done, my child, well done".

It's denying yourselves, laying down your earthly crowns, and giving ALL to God. Your life, your work, your words, your actions, your thoughts - to glorify Him, the one whose wisdom far surpasses our understanding. The bearer of peace, and hope, that at the end we might collapse into His joy. He is the only one worth our undivided attention - indivisible, whole, complete.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Truth is so rare that it is delightful to tell it

A dog barks when his master is attacked. I would be a coward if I saw that
God's truth is attacked and yet would remain silent.

John Calvin

Thursday, November 5, 2009


If I had Anything Remotely Interesting...

"I am not alone in this. I only let him do to me what men have
ever done to women: march off to empty glory and hollow acclaim and leave us
behind to pick up the pieces. The broken cities, the burned barns, the innocent
injured beasts, the ruined bodies of the boys we bore and the men we lay with.
The waste of it. I sit here, and I look at him, and it is as
if a hundred women sit beside me: the revolutionary farm wife, the English
peasant woman, the Spartan mother-'Come back with your shield or on it,' she
cried, because that was what she was expected to cry. And then she leaned across
the broken body of her son and the words turned to dust in her throat."
-Geraldine Brooks, March