Tuesday, March 31, 2009

60-Minute Blackouts for Earth

I just did an article on Earth Hour. It is an amazing initiative to raise awareness against Global Warming! I hope all of you switched off your lights for an hour! It may seem like such a useless event - But It Is Not.

"WWF are urging the world to VOTE EARTH and reach the target of 1 billion votes, which will be presented to world leaders at the Global Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen 2009.

This meeting will determine official government policies to take action against global warming, which will replace the Kyoto Protocol. It is the chance for the people of the world to make their voice heard."

All the warnings and signs that the Earth is is Danger is True. Sure, it may seem incredulous, but who are we to challenge that statement? Who are we to think otherwise?
Who are we to continue wasting energy and resources??

We need to make a difference.
We CAN make a difference.

Monday, March 30, 2009

You gotta hear this one song - It'll change your life







Hope you're enjoying Taiwan! xoxo

I wish I'd known you earlier




Sunday, March 29, 2009

Malfoy and top 10 villians (according to hollywood.com)

We were talking about Robert Pattinson, which made me crazy over the fact that a new Harry Potter movie is coming out! In 2 parts! Which makes me cross my fingers and pray that they won't cut out a lot of information this time because the Half Blood Prince is awesome and very important!!

Which made me think of Tom Felton - or more famously known as Draco Malfoy! It's RIDICULOUS because he isn't as famous as I'd like him to be!

And I youtubed him, and found...videos of him singing!

I won't say he has the most fantastic voice on earth, but wiki says that he has sung in 4 different choirs before or something! Plus, he's so pleasing to the eye! And the accent!

And he's so badass in Harry Potter (HP) and is very significant in the 6th installation.

And then I came across the Top 10 Villians Of All Times (by Kit Bowen, Hollywood.com)

It's outrageously amusing how villians are chosen in this top 10 list. Mine would be entirely different.

10. The Joker (Heath Ledger), The Dark Knight


OK, to be fair, Ledger’s totally creepy, absolutely mesmerizing performance as Batman’s nemesis The Joker, the ultimate anarchist, should probably rank higher on this list, but it’s still so fresh in our minds, it needs to settle a bit with time. Check back next year.

Most Villainous Line: “Do you wanna know why I use a knife? Guns are too quick. You can't savor all the...little..emotions. And..you see..in their last moments...people show you who they really are. So, in a way, I know your friends better than you ever did. Would you like to know which one of them were cowards?”

9. Hans Gruber (Alan Rickman), Die Hard


Rickman's Hans is our choice for the most diabolical two-bit criminal. He’s really only in it for the money, all $600 million of it, but he does rather enjoy tormenting his captors--until he comes across big, bad John McClane. Guess Hans didn’t figure on “Mr. Cowboy.”

Most Villainous Line: “When they land we blow up the roof, they spend a month sifting through rubble, and by the time they work out what went wrong, we'll be sitting on a beach, earning 20 percent.”

8. Stansfield (Gary Oldman), The Professional


Technically, Stansfield is tad more on the psychotic side (see above criteria), but it’s the way Oldman plays the corrupted cop that chills us--from sniffing whatever that stuff he carries around with him up his nose, to his obsession with Beethoven, to shooting a little boy. He’s actually pretty sane when it comes to his mayhem. Shiver.

Most Villainous Line: “It's always the same thing. It's when you start to become really afraid of death that you learn to appreciate life. Do you like life, sweetheart?”

7. Dr. Evil (Mike Myers), Austin Powers Series


Come on, he’s got “evil” in his name! You’ve got to include Dr. Evil, even if he isn’t nearly as terrifying as he’d like you to think he is. Being that he was has been partially frozen for 30 years, throw him a friggin’ bone, will ya?

Most Villainous Line: “Ladies and Gentlemen, Welcome to my underground Lair. I have gathered here before me the world's deadliest assassins, and yet, each of you has failed to kill Austin Powers. That makes me angry, and when Dr. Evil get angry, Mr. Bigglesworth gets upset, and when Mr. Bigglesworth gets upset people DIE!”

6. Wicked Witch of the West (Margaret Hamilton), The Wizard of Oz [Cue the Witch’s theme song]


Remembering the first time you saw The Wizard of Oz, it’s that image of the Wicked Witch’s green pointy face you can’t get out of your head--cackling at her crystal ball while her minion of flying monkeys stood by, waiting for her command (the character’s redemption in the musical Wicked doesn’t count, by the way).

Most Villainous Line: “The last to go will see the first three go before her. And her little dog, too.”

5. Voldemort (Ralph Fiennes), Harry Potter Series


Fiennes has played a few evil men in his acting career (his Nazi colonel in Schindler's List almost made the cut), but it’s his He Who Should Not Be Named, the Dark Lord--or as I like to call him, ole Snake Face--who really stands out as the best of the baddies.

Most Villainous Line: “Astounding what a few drops of your blood will do, eh, Harry?”

4. Anton Chigurh (Javier Bardem), No Country for Old Men


Perhaps we thought we’d seen every kind of assassin there was--boy, were we wrong! Bardem’s Oscar-winning performance as the cold-blooded Anton, whose single-minded determination to follow through on every job to its very end, is bone-chilling. Made even more so when he occasionally gives his victim’s a 50-50 chance by the flip of a coin.

Most Villainous Line: “Call it.”

3. Nurse Ratched (Louise Fletcher), One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest


In those horrifying visions of a psycho nurse coming at you with a large hypothermic needle, the name that comes to mind is Nurse Ratched. Fletcher’s portrayal isn’t so much maniacal as it is sadistic as she thoroughly gets off on keeping her mental patients right there next to her, crazy as ever.

Most Villainous Line: “You know Billy, what worries me is how your mother is going to take this.”

2. Hannibal Lecter (Anthony Hopkins), Silence of the Lambs


Nothing can top Hopkins’ Hannibal. OK, maybe one villain can top him (click to the next page), but as far as cannibalistic serial killers are concerned, Lecter takes the cake. Bet you can’t say Chianti and fava beans the same way.

Most Villainous Line: “I do wish we could chat longer, but... I'm having an old friend for dinner.”

1. Darth Vader (James Earl Jones), Star Wars Series


And our No. 1? Yes, it’s Lord Vader. He personifies all that is dark and evil in The Force. When you see how he gets to be the way he is, you have to empathize, just a little--and of course, his salvation at the end is sweet. But honestly, folks, it’s hard to forgive all the other mean stuff he did.

Most Villainous Line: “I find your lack of faith disturbing.”

Was just wondering though...where do we place NORMAN BATES from Psycho? That dude freaked me out good. I don't even dare to google his image cause it'll give me the creeps!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Slow Dance

Have you ever watched kids
On a merry-go-round?
Or listened to the rain
Slapping on the ground?

Ever followed a butterfly's
Erratic flight?
Or gazed at the sun
Into the fading night?

You better slow down
Don't dance so fast
Time is short
The music won't last

Do you run through each day
On the fly?
When you ask,
How are you
Do you hear the reply?

When the day is done
Do you lie in your bed?
With the next hundred chores
Running through your head?

You'd better slow down
Don't dance so fast
Time is short
The music won't last

Ever told your child
We'll do it tomorrow?
And in your haste
Not see his sorrow?

Ever lost touch
Let a good friendship die?
Cause you never had time
To call and say

You'd better slow down
Don't dance so fast
Time is short
The music won't last

When you run so fast
To get somewhere
You miss half the fun
Of getting there

When you hurry and worry
Through your day
It is like an unopened gift
Thrown away

Life is not a race
Do take it slower
Hear the music
Before the song is over


Broken hearted hoover sucker guy


Come here my star is fading
And I swerve out of control
And I swear I waited and waited
I've got to get out of this hole
Stood on the edge, tied to a noose
You came along and you cut me loose

Fresh and brand new

We need to be ready.

Alot of times, I'm sure many of you have prayed that God will give you the opportunity to reach out to a friend or a relative.

Alot of times, we don't see it coming. We aren't prepared and when the opportunity finally comes we stumble through our words, awkward and embarrassed.

Alot of times, we don't see the opportunity even!

So, always be on your twinkly toes! When you pray for an opportunity to reach out to a friend/relative, always Be Ready. Be prepared to face tough questions. Be ready to stand fast and show your faith with good verses and appropriate facts.
Yes, that means no Bible bashing. Don't say "if you don't come to church with me, you'll end up in hell". Yes, that means you'll probably get whacked.

CG today was good. Our first ever. Many more to come, I hope.

Must study, sleep early and run tmr morning. Must, must, must.

PS Must exude the joy of the Lord! Wasn't that my resolution for this year? I'm feeling it, but am I showing it?

Friday, March 27, 2009


A massive headache coming along the way, but that's alright.

I just 'completed' my World Politics assignment. It's probably not satisfactory at all, but my brain chooses to interpret otherwise. I pray that it's good though! I really want to do well!

Thursday, March 26, 2009



Rhetorical Speeches and Sarah Palin

We were studying about Rhectorical speech and Cicero in particular. We used that theory against Sarah Palin's speech which sparked countless debates and criticism.

Yes, the video above Is the Whole Deal. One package - almost an hour worth of cheering and well...persuasive speaking?

Take your time, grab a bag of chips and a can of cola and watch this woman do her thing.

Okay must go for studentlife now. I think it's about to rain! Ahh Balmy weather in Sydney! Winter's coming! I don't want to go for fresher revue! I don't wannttttt!!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

That's so like you.

But, what is "So Like Me"?

Help, even I don't know.

Just like I said last night, I met Bernice and Laura today at 11am and we went for Easyway.

I am so satisfied now but could do with another cup. Or ten more.

I then met up with Teresa and took a looonnngggg walk back to Womens. Today's sun was hotter and brighter than usual. In all its glory, it made both of us want to faint.

I kind of miss winter - the strong winds and the cold cold air. But when winter comes round, I'm sure i'll be saying the exact opposite.

Anyways, we both had lunch at Thai-La-Ong which is, as usual, fantastic. After, we met up with Young and basically just sat outside of university and talked. I realised how much we've all changed in the past year. We have. It's scary yet refreshing. I like it.

But now I'm back and am contemplating on doing some work. All I want to do is sleep though! Like I told Young, I just want to delay the assignments and keep them at bay for abit. So much time, no? Funny how we lazy human beings always like to keep it to the last minute.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Completely Clueless

I have no idea how to start the World Politics assignment but I am gonna try!!

Plus, I just realised that the assignments are starting to pour in. MECO, WRIT1001, French test & due next week, GOVT Essay!

Must. Prioritise.
Must. Trust. In. God. For. Wisdom. Plus. Strength.

Must. (try). To. Wake. Up. Tmr. For. A. Run.

Oh how I wish there was a 24-hours Easyway store on campus, specifically catered to my needs!
On the bright side, Bernice and I are gonna quench our easyway cravings tmr at 11am at broadway! Anyone?

Monday, March 23, 2009

Flashback - Fastforward

Before I go about doing mundane things like shower and Study (A huge MUST DO), I wanted to ask:


Mind you, I haven't totally forgotten about him. I'm a big fan of this dude! He amazed EVERYONE on Rockstar Supernova even though I'm pretty sure he didn't win. He should've though.

He even came to Singapore once! I think it was 2006.

But yes, my point is: I'm not a big fan of David Cook. David Cook is, no doubt, a great singer and artiste, I'm sure. But.....it's just that he's so typical.

I'm not saying Ryan star isn't typical. But his music is just so totally out of this world! His voice and songs are ama-ma-mazinnggg!

Why isn't he famous! Whywhywhywhywhy!

Come on, people!


I have been blogging faithfully for, say, 4 years now. I remember starting in secondary 1 or 2, when I still wrote funny i.e HeLLoz.

After all this time, I have matured. That, of course, is definite and inevitable. As I glance through posts from before, I chuckle at how young and naive and carefree I was. I was so content to just blog about my day without hesitation, to pour out my feelings online - publicly.

Somehow along the way I started controlling my words and my thoughts. It just didn't seem right to tell the world how I felt anymore. It just wasn't correct. I don't know when it started happening, but even now, I hesitate.

It's not a bad thing. But I feel that I should filter my thoughts before coming to blog, to actually think before letting out the gush of words for all to see.

But today, I realised this isn't right. I shouldn't filter my thoughts, or words. Instead, I should CORRECT it entirely!

Sure, we've all been told and warned about the Power of Words. Some say that "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me". To this, I say that it's just a form of 'self-help' - trying to make yourself feel better.
So many times, I've heard so many people claim that the criticism and negativity don't matter. But in actual fact, it does.

Words can lift you up. It can encourage and impact lives in a positive way.

However, words can also bring one down to the pits.

Today, Pastor Brian preached about this. Imagine my wonder and amazement to hear God Speak to me Yet Again through his Word. God never disappoints me. Do you know how much you're missing?

GOD'S WORDS are the MOST important. We need God's word to be spoken into our lives. His Word endures forever. His words are the perfect fit for my season - for any season in our lives. I can just ramble on about this all day - me and Pastor Brian, for that matter.

OUR WORDS matter too! Whatever we say to whoever has an impact. Think 'Cause-and-effect'.
You can affect someone positively or negatively, depending on how you choose to say it.
Our Words frame our world. It is our means of communication - which, by itself, is a human need. (Imagine not being able to talk to anyone for just one day through any form of medium - speech, writing, typing, blogging etc. It's virtually impossible!)

THE WORDS OF THE GENERATION is not to be forgotten. Just sit down and listen. Listen to today's generation, to the culture whispering right into our ears. What do you hear?

Personally, I don't hear Happiness and Joy. I hear negativity. I hear CRIES. I hear Lost souls and confused minds. I hear people who don't know WHAT to hear. Is this not sad? To be constantly surrounded by tyraids of speech about wars and violence and lies and deceit. We hear it all the time - through songs (Are we following song lyrics? Britney Spears and Simple Plan? Heck, even Jason Mraz? ) and the media, through speeches and debates.

How then do you keep yourself at bay from such harmful words?

Well, we can't always control what we hear. But we can control what we are listening to.

Do you really want to listen to a classmate who says that you are dumb? A so-called friend who lies to you all the time? The cynical world with its words of opposition?

Sometimes it's not even the words, but the SPIRIT of the words!!

Now, how true is this! How many times have you said something that you did not mean to say? i.e a Passing Comment, or a White Lie. Similarly, how many times have you heard people trying to bring you down?

We must hold fast to the Word of LIFE - God's words! We must be careful of who we follow.(especially since the invention of Twitter)

Psalms 45:12 : "Our tongue is the pen of a ready writer".

So if you're reading this now, think about this:


In all complete honesty, I am afraid to answer this question. Have I been encouraging and generous with my words? Or have I been speaking negativity and blogging cynicism.
It's tempting to put the politically correct answer. But we - including myself - all know that that's not the truth.

But I pray that this will change for me, as it will for you. We must protect ourselves from the Devil's words. We must refute it and refuse it. When the devil tempted Jesus in the desert, Jesus jumped straight into it and said: "It is written".

The power of words. How marvellous it is. Use it properly to navigate your life and to lift others up. Most importantly, allow your words to be seasoned by the Word of God.

Use it and Live it.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

It takes a crane to build a crane

Four years ago, When I was young and 14 and innocent, a friend asked me to the Oasis Concert. I was excited and would totally go all out to pay for the tickets and get in. But alas, for Free Standing, you had to be 15. Fifteen Years Old. The time you get your IC done. Half of thirty years. Yes, where puberty and hormones kick in.

Four years later, Oasis is returning to Singapore. But of course, I wouldn't be there. Like I wasn't there for Switchfoot, or DCFC (nor was I 'there' for it here!) or Singfest '08....BUT the point is, another friend was checking prices and this was revealed to me:

Free Standing - S$98 (12 yrs old & above only)

WHAT IS THIS!!!! Outrageous!
Four years does NOT warrent the legal age for free standing to be reduced!

Hahaha but strangely, I kinda expected it. I'm not as shocked and upset as you think I am. Maybe it's because I'm not 14 anymore. Maybe it's because I get to see Jason Mraz anyway. Maybe it's because I have hope that they might come to Sydney.

Oh, it's a sign! "Half the world away" just starting playing on itunes!

Plus, Coldplay was a blast. I hope you guys going to the Coldplay Concert in Singapore have a blast! Take lotsa pictures okay. Aim for the screen - that's what Fran did and got the most amazing pictures EVER in all history of shaky-camera-out-of-focus-concert-pictures.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

I keep losing my head above the clouds

I might have some issues. Who knows?

I should've gone to The Rocks today to shoot! I need the experience and the exposure. But of course, schoolwork trumps everything else since I'm a full-time student crawling my way through University.

Germs & I hung out at Menzies today, playing the piano. And then study. And then study some More.

You know how sometimes silence can be so comfortable? But at other times it's so stifling? And everytime there's a noise it just breaks the eerie reverie of it all. How I wish sometimes I could just sit and marvel at the amazing-ness of silence around me without distractions i.e BLOGGING. Why does that somehow seem impossible. WHYYYYY

Bham, Wham, Pow

Inspiration hit me so hard today. Dinner was fabulous and so was the fellowship! Everyone was so talented and musically inclined! The pianos, the guitars, the music and lyrics - What A Gift!

And then there was this one song that really blew me away (Actually ALL the songs were fantastic!) The lyrics are so real and raw and meaningful and personal. It just made me want to sit down and grab my underused journal and WRITE. To write without hesitation; to write freely.

And that brought me back to my last entry.
I was writing about a crush I had - with cheesy lyrics that totally should never see the light of day again! And then I was so overwhelmed by Love - God's Love that is.

And I just started writing about How is it possible to fall even more deeper in Love with God when it seems like it's already at its capacity, threatening to burst at the seams; How the attraction is so strong I can't seem to tear myself away; How could Jesus the author Rewrite my life, Erase my sins and Cover them with His blood. How amazing this all is; How Surreal.

It's amazing. God is So much more than I can contain and describe. He is Everything. And that just makes me want to run and hide and laugh and cry all at the same time. How do you fanthom something seemingly out of this world?

You have faith, of course. You believe. You surrender your all.

And that's when we fall short. As human beings we were made in God's likeness. But yet we fell into temptation, we lose sight of our Main Goal - Jesus Christ. We stop running this race, we lose our passion - we lose our fire. We melt away into nothingness. In all its sense, we lose hope and meaning. Take away the focus, and we get distracted. Take away the flame, and we get lost in darkness. It's not hard. In fact, it's almost too easy.

Haha there I go again, venting my thoughts into what I call an 'Outlet'. I really should write more. An attraction to words, you say? I say God's Gift.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Who Are You?

"The metaphysical topic struck a chord and he found himself starting at the Precambrian era and sifting through four and a half billion years worth of being, contemplating cranial capacity, pondering the earlobe, tracing back his belly button, double checking his thumbs and toes. Henry was always cloudy about matters of the self. He didn't trust mirrors. On registration forms, under ethnic background, he'd always check "Other." At night he'd lie awake and ask Hello? He'd always felt faulty, incomplete - as if his insides didn't match his outsides."

-The Every Boy
Dana Adam Shapiro

Wake up everyone, How can you sleep at a time like this?

So I'm just gonna head off for lunch and then Fishers to do some serious studying soon, but I thought I'd just pop by.

For what reason, I'm not absolutely sure. Just the need to type; to pull words out of the overactive brain.
We're gonna have dinner at Steven's tonight and he's gonna cook Char Kway Teow! Not Hokkien Mee...but Nevermind! Good enough Haha. And we're gonna have a WII Session! Fantastic.

Alright. Must do my readings which are seemingly never-ending and Must do research for World Politics. I am gonna kick ass. I have to kick ass.
A Plus!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009



Darned Pests

What else? Yet ANOTHER cockroach in my room!
What else, Yet another DEAD cockroach OUT of my room.

The world is becoming a better place, hopefully. My life is awesome.

I must stock up on newspapers. Because that is my weapon against the small disugsting bugs that irritate the hell out of me. I mean, if you (roaches) are gna habitate in my room, at least do it out of my sight! I'll feel so much better.

The last one actually RAN ACROSS THE TABLE, IN FRONT OF ME.

How dare you (it!)!!!! You totally got what you deserve - DEATH!

Anyway, on another note, I had so many weird, conflicting dreams last night. Not that I remember specifically what it was. Dreams probably suck up my energy though, because now I'm as lifeless as a...dead roach (? Haha?) And I badly want to crawl into bed but there's probably no point in doing so - I'm meeting Germs for lunch at Manning (where else). Oh PhotoSoc is having social/FREEEEEE lunch too! Guess that's where i'll be at! :D

But, Today is the start of something new!

From now on, I will kill as many roaches as I like and not freak out. I will step and whack and hit and spray to my heart's content.

From now on, I will STUDY EVERY SINGLE NIGHT. I will not walk into a World Politics Tutorial and be absolutely clueless on the topic****

From now on, I will do my readings faithfully and keep an eye peeled for assignments that creep in in the middle of the night. That would save me from a shocker.

From now on, I will save money and eat in College or go for Social (read: FREE) lunches. Yes, that's right. Oh, and I will also EAT A LOT in College. Who cares about gaining weight? That's so last year.

From now on, I will be more verbal in class and less verbal not in class.

From now on, I will read the news daily. OR try to do so.

From now on, Life would be ten times better and the sun will shine ten times brighter. Yes - winter might never come this year round! Three Cheers for that!

Disclaimer**** We were talking about US/Iran's stand against/for the whole problem between Israel and Hamas in a Realism point of view. I managed to contribute even though I didn't know What HAMAS was. So embarrassing. Now I know though - so I can't be labelled as absolutely clueless. If they brought Gaza in earlier, or perhaps, used the word PALESTINIAN, life would be so much better. But this disclaimer is getting too long, and I reckon I need to get into the whole "Current Affairs, General Knowledge" thing. Right.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

You spin my head right now, right now

So I was called up to dance for fResher revue (which I reckon is soon, but I'm not too sure) and I'm kinda glad I went. Needless to say, the dances are really fun, especially The Goon* dance!

But you know what? I suppose I should go study now. World Politics Tutorial at 10am first thing tomorrow. How can you not love life? :D

Disclaimer: The Goon is a kind of cheap wine (approx. 1AUD) that you can find in Australia. It probably tastes bad (I wouldn't know - I haven't tried it) and comes in one litre silver packets. Ultimately, Women's College's favourite drink.

Monday, March 16, 2009

The Chaser

Mondays are Formal Dinners. And today, our guest speaker was Chris Taylor. How awesome is that!

Chris Taylor studied Arts at The university of Sydney and had a midnight pony-race at the Quad once. Campus Security got there fast but him and his friends did a runner - and 7 ponies were 'arrested'. True story.
He was a Paul's guy (which is probably why Women's was able to invite him to speak!) and claims to never have 'penetrated into Womens College'. He told us stories about his college days and how people studying media should be welcomed to the world of unemployment.

He did journalism in UTS later on, and worked for ABC as a court reporter in Melbourne. He later moved back to Sydney and started working for The Chaser's Newspaper (which is now dysfunctional)
The Chaser team then started producing Tv shows, including CNNNN as one of Australia's all-time favourites.

Chris Taylor, meanwhile, have also wrote Dead Caesar, a play that ran at Sydney Theatre Company for about a month.

Just some sweet kicks.

Chris Taylor - who probably isn't THAT famous outside of Australia, is awesome! He totally deserved the spooning we gave him today.

And the very famous "The Eulogy Song". Highly controversial, please.


David After Dentist


It's 2.35am and I REALLY should be in bed by now!

But I'm so fortunate to have chanced upon 2 very Very fascinating sites! Oh the joys of the World Wide Web!

I actually started reading "Anti Ah Lians Svperstar" first, before realising that they were Number 2 of Part 1 (confused? don't be. Just reread it over and over again 'til you get it!) of "We Hate Ah Lians Everywhere". (I know, go figure)

The hilarious part of it all is me sitting there actually laughing at myself for laughing at the content! Am I honestly that bored?

But I guess I can try to turn it around and say that me, as a Media & Communications student, am trying to analyse New Media Forms, and how insanely bored people are exploiting it. After all, there's no limit to it, and there's more than enough room for All. Of. Us! YES, Even the Ah lian haters! Haha!

So, just in case you're sitting at home wondering what's going on with the world i.e ME
please, drop by:




Please refrain from commenting that the post seem to be from LAST YEAR. I am quite backwards now.

I do think aalteam2.blogspot.com a.k.a 'Anti ah lians Svperstar' probably has a more logical mind, though. Her views on Freedom of Speech in Singapore and typical Ah Lian Behaviour hit a nerve there. Wow. Mixing Ahlians with politics. Who would've thought? Good on you, aalteam2!

But I mean, are there that many haters out there? If there are anti-ahlianzxz people (I don't like ahlianzxz for a number of reasons - some of which are stated on one or both of the blogs - but I sure don't Despise them! It's a strong word!), surely there are anti-guaikias (or whatever) people. What about the notion of HARMONY? Is it impossible for ahlianzxz to live with non-ahlianzxz (Sorry, i don't exactly have a term for them. I mean, we've established a term for the former, but how can I call the latter group as Normal people? Not very objective!)

What happened to World Peace? What happened to Harmony?

More importantly, Who ate the last cookie?

Right. I think I do need sleep. I love you, Mum. Miss my bed and cockroach-free home and mortene-smell-free bedroom. And the gigantic TV and Cable. And McDreamy.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

CS on the DF

Just had the most amazing brunch in awhile. Kate was so sweet she arranged a Back Alley brunch and made some amazing donuts! I'm feeling so full now and all I want to do is crawl back to bed!

But I can't because I have a whole bunch of readings to do! But me being the habitual procrastinator that I am, I'll probably put it off. And the load will then swarm me and leave me drowning.

Nope. Not gonna happen. I'm gonna read World Politics and Academic Writing and Media. And I'm going to be smart.

And if by this time, you're dozing off or about to leave this page, then please, VISIT


It's a site which sells clothes from Sydney, Australia. Currently, all items are on sale only in Australia but if you're from Singapore and are very very interested, drop me an email and we'll work something out!

Awesome stuff. I'm out.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

This Post Speaks For Itself.

The World Is Quite Unfair....no?

If I was filthy rich, I would have bought so much more things today at Glebe and Newtown.
If I was filthy rich, I would be at the Coldplay's Concert now, having Chris Martin serenading to me in his awesome, AWESOME falsetto
If I was filthy rich, I wouldn't be sitting here feeling like the white white walls are closing in on me, the green colour-coordinated furniture seeming quite disgusting.

But I'm NOT filthy rich. And it might seem terrible. But it's NOT.

Because I've got an awesome family; I've got amazing friends; I've everything I ever needed - and wanted, if I filter all the unneccessaries.

Most importantly, I've got God - who is so mighty and awesome, He's indescribable.

And so I am content. Even though I keep harping on about how much I lack, I actually have so much. I have ABUNDANCE. I have more than enough.

And if You think that everything is collapsing around you - be it finances or family, health or relationship, then I tell you: Everything is Possible WITH GOD. Without Him, you are nothing. And I don't want to Bible-Bash, to be preachy. I don't want to convert all you non-Christians just Because!

If I have something amazing, I want to share it with all those whom I love. And in this case, it's about my Best Friend, the Creator, the King (:

Well, if you were wondering why I'm suddenly being all 'Christian', it's just because I've been thinking about the last two weeks. About how hard and fun, how stressful and crazy it has been.
And in the midst of all that craziness, I just haven't been Thanking God. I haven't been speaking to Him. I haven't been communicating to Him. But He's always been there. How many people can claim to be there for you 24/7? Sure, we might say it, but can we always carry it out?

So yeah, I want to Thank God and Praise Him publicly on my blog. For I have nothing to hide - nothing to be ashamed of.

Okay, must do second load of laundry now. Will load pictures soon. AND I NEED TO STUDY. Ciao!


OKAY. So The ABSOLUTE WORST thing happened to ME LAST NIGHT!
Okay. Fridays are free for Me, Germaine and Bernice. So we decided to go for lunch at Doraji and after that, we took a stroll down to Surry Hills. And I'm pleased to inform that we've gotten our first batch of bags, a pair of shoes (THAT I WNA KEEP AS MY OWN!) and some clothes.
We had dinner upon reaching Womens and then back to our respective rooms. Did the mundane things like shower and do our laundry (which is STILL in the dryer)...and then G came in and we decided to clean the stuff and quote the prices. She wanted to take pictures of the stuff and insisted that I wear the clothes while she became the photographer! We did for the next hour or so, with Too Many pictures, but that's NOT the point!
The point is: In our last few shots with the ULTRA FUNKY PANTS, I spotted something flying to the wall nearly.
It was Seriously huge, and I reckon its the same one we saw a few days back in the laundry room!!
It actually DARED to crawl all the way up to the second floor!!!!
Obviously we both FREAKED OUT, and by this time, I had already spotted a number of bugs, especially in our '0000-year old common room. And I found out a thing about myself: I become quite a potty-mouth when I'm scared shits.
So yes, by this time, I was on the verge of sprouting something that really should NOT be said here. But I'm sure you get the gist of it!
Plus, the cockroach was RIGHT NEXT to my room. And we both quickly ran inside and took cover. Phew. Safe and sound.
(I sprayed a whole lot of insecticide at my doorway the day I found a cockroach in my room - that's why I thought we were safe and sound.)
That's when I asked G where the DSLR's camera cover was. She was like.."I think it's in the common room..On the table?"
Can you imagine me? Jaw-dropping, incredulous ME?!
I had to risk stepping out into the unknown, to this dangerous place filled with flying cockroaches!!
And so, I dragged G along, Who seriously wasn't friend enough! She wrapped herself up in a scarf and wouldn't go down the stairs with me to the Common room!
But then, nevermind that! I'm only just getting to the Best/Worst (Delete where applicable) part Yet!
So I went into the room, and kept the DSLR safe and sound. And then I went back out. Saw G looking quite ridiculous with the scarf, said aloud "Oh wait. Let's do laundry" turned to go back in, looked down at my KEY CASING, and saw that the card key WASN'T FREAKING THERE!!!!!!!!!!
(I Was wearing the lanyard, but the card key wasnt IN a casing that's attached to the lanyard!)
I was out wandering along the roach infested corridoor AND I COULDN'T EVEN TAKE SHELTER IN MY OWN ROOM! $(#YQRIEW$#*^!!!!!!!
Thank God G still had her key so we RAN to her room, shut the door, and sat down for a full minute, trying to digest it. I called the RA in charge and asked her to let me in.
What's worse than staying in Taylors and getting locked out of your room and having to chase after Jackson so he'll let you back in?
AFTER 10 PM!!!!
The RA wouldn't let me in!!! Because it was AFTER 10pm!!!
That's just STUPID! I heard that a friend of mine got locked out one day because she forgot to take her key - Because she was feeling VERY VERY ILL.
So she called the RA, but the RA REFUSED to let her into the room, thinking that my friend was DRUNK!!!
After a series of events, my friend got let in because a 2nd year resident (and her bf?) found her and called the RA! The RA then rushed down and let my friend in, apologising profusely!
What is this! Honestly! What if my friend wasn't found! What if she fainted! How's the College gonna take responsibility then!!!!
Anyway, back to my story - I WAS SO FREAKING PISSED. Whilest on the phone with the RA, she launched into a whole fabricated story about how the couch is a good place to sleep..or i could bunk in with a friend.....ETC. But I was so pissed off I kinda just went "Whatever" and hung up on her!
Feeling HOPELESSLY USELESS and UTTERLY MORONIC, I called Kate who was so much nicer and sympathetic, but probably has an evil laughter erupting inside of her. Hahaha but yeah, I was so mad I asked Kate why this was so, but she seemed so nice so I didn't take my anger out on her!
BUT we still had something to do...KILL THE COCKROACH. So we asked Boram (G's neighbour from Korea) to help us extinguish the lives of all that damned creatures with some killer spray.
I swear Boram is so brave! Our main aim was the huge papa, but we only found the smalls uns. So that's what she killed.
Anyway, feeling hopelessly defeated, we went back to G's room and decided to transfer our laundry to the dryer. We decided to wash up (Not so much for me since all my stuff was IN MY ROOM!) and THEN I SAW THE COCKROACH!
I think it crawled over the sprayed patch just outside my door, cos it was on it's back and struggling MUAHAHAHAHAHA
AND at that point of time, G wasn't wearing her contacts, which renders her almost completely blind. Hahaha! And I was freaked and She was freaked and we started SCREAMING FOR BORAM HAHAHAHAHA
But of course the distance between the toilet and Boram's room isn't exactly the length of a ruler, so we Chanced it and ran, screaming! Of course Boram heard that, got the SPRAY, AND KILLED THE DAMN THING!!!!
Like, seriously, by that time, We had used HALF the spray!
Hahahaha but whatever, I was happy because I killed the huge cockroach. I could rest in peace. And so I slept over at G's room. And we spent a long time laughing at ourselves. But we attributed a reason to it: IT WAS FRIDAY THE 13TH!!!!!!!
And while everyone else was out at 'Drews partying away, CELEBRATING this damned day, we were chasing after roaches and being pissed! The irony! Hahaha!
But anyway, I'm back in my room <3
And we're gna go to Glebe's with phae, kat and bernice! SO i think G should wake up NOWWW!
Okay, I'll be back soon with pictures we took and all. Ciao!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Ca Va?




Okay - THAT was the horrible, disgusted, cruel me who's obviously not a big fan of bugs.

Now, another disgusting part of me emerges:

So, F came along to Womens today to do her laundry. When 3 girls are left alone in a room where the furniture is all colour-coordinated (GREEN), they do what they do best - CAMWHORE!

But this time, strangely, it was done with a purpose.

Remember the previous post about people wanting to open a blogshop? Well, they wanted to 'show off' some of the goods from Sydney's Fleas and Shops. Thus, they decided to raid the wardrobe and throw together some stuff. It's not the best that could be done, HONESTLY! It was very last-minute and random, but Super Fun.

And I have pictures. And weirdly, F and I did the modelling - a term I use very loosely. I repeat - VERY LOOSELY.

And I know you're going to be sooooo turned off by us looking all bimbotic and what not, but I urge you TO LOOK AT THE CLOTHES and not at our disgusting faces. By 'our' - I mean MY DISGUSTING FACE, of course!

So here goes. You may have a barf-bucket beside you if you wish.

Vintage Shoes - Glebe Market
Vintage Bag - Glebe Market

Vintage Shoes - Glebe Market
Vintage Bag - Glebe Market
Blue Shorts - JayJays
Navy Blue long Blazer - Glebe Market

Black Blazer - Glebe Market
Green Dress - Club Marcs
Old School Shoes - Bata First!!
Clutch - QVB

EVERYONE Wants a Black Blazer these days!
This one is simple but not understated. It's formal, yet fun and casual. Pair it with a dress, a pair of comfy jeans, or even shorts!

Surely it can be more versatile than this! :D
Plus, the jacket doesn't have buttons, but hooks.

Grey Top - Glebe Market; MinkPink
Blue Shorts - JayJays
Gold Necklace - Diva
Hat - KL, Malaysia

Okay, I seriously hope you don't get sore eyes.
But I just wanted to add in that the range of jewellery etc in Australia's Diva is much more diverse and nicer than the stuff selling in the Diva Shops in Singapore! Plus, there's often stuff like 'Buy 2 for 5AUD' deals.

Back of Grey Top - Glebe Market; MinkPink

Gold Chain - Glebe Market Price Unknown
It's simple. It's versatile. It's AWESOME!

Navy Blue Long Blazer - Glebe Market

The Inside of the Navy Blue Blazer. It's cheap but definitely NOT made of some cheap material okay! THAT'S the difference between cheap stuff in Australia and in Singapore!
Dress - Tempt Unknown
Peace Necklace - Diva, Australia

Okay I really like that this blazer is LONG, and that its ULTRA FUNKY. The three quarter sleeves are really awesome, and I reckon the best thing is the striped things on the sleeves!(if you can see it!!) It's fab!

See it?
(Couldn't resist showing Diana Off!)

Vintage Clutch - Glebe Market

Same Vintage Bag as the one above - Glebe Market
It may be vintage but you don't have to wear floral prints and granny dresses to carry it off!

In tip-top condition. Truth to be told, it's somewhere from Orange, which is Out of Sydney. REALLY VINTAGE!

Dress - Tempt
Alot of the dresses in Sydney are like this. It's very easy to wear and some of the colours and prints are really loud, if you're into that. This dress is much more feminine and simple as compared to the ones sold in Supre and JayJays.

I know it isn't much, but they're hoping to get more stuff around fleas and shops once they have the time. These stuff aren't on sale, but is merely an idea as to what kind of stuff will be sold! I'm sure you guys can probably put together better outfits!
But, like I said before, all that is needed are interested people!
And it's really a long shot! But Worth the try! So drop a comment and do some advertising okay!
(And no hot ang moh models...AS OF YET. Maybe if there's interest we'll recruit some! :D)
Well, apart from that, Germs and I went for the StudentLife meeting today. We met heaps of people and it's really cool. Who knows? I might very well start serving in StudentLife (:

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

A Vision Of Students Today

Evokes many thoughts. Worth while watching.


Of course you've heard of Nadya Suleman.

She has so many kids, you can't count them on both hands.

Yes, she's the Californian Mum who recently gave birth to Octuplets. Yes, Octuplets. Eight.

In addition to the 8 (relatively) new borns, she has six other children. And all 14 kids (Yes, do the math!) are products of a sperm donor.

In an interview with America's NBC News, Ms Suleman said that being an only child had left her yearning for connections she felt had been lacking while growing up.

What's that? I have ONE brother and that is enough. Imagine how 14 siblings packed together like sausages are gonna feel!

Anyway, I chanced upon http://www.thenadyasulemanfamily.com/

Very nice. So...warm, is it not?

Anyway, the babies are all darlings. And I bet the other 6 must be some cool brood.

But the thing is, should one have THAT MANY kids?

It's not hard to understand why so many people - professionals and ordinary citizens alike - are outraged over this one woman having 14 children.

According to www.skynews.com,

"Official guidelines from the American Society of Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) say a woman her age should have no more than two embryos implanted.

This has led to angry fertility experts after it emerged she had eight of her own previously frozen embryos implanted.

Harish Sehdev, associate professor of obstetrics and gynaecology at Pennsylvania hospital, has called the decision to implant eight embryos in a woman who already has six children "insensitive and ignorant"

Multiple-birth babies are often born prematurely - Miss Suleman's octuplets were born nine-and-a-half weeks early - which puts them at significantly greater risk of long-term health problems, Mr Sehdev said. "

What if the octuplets are unable to surive? Or what if they do, but end up with other health problems?

Isn't this then very selfish of Miss Suleman? Destroying 8 innocent lives in an attempt to make up for her "dysfunctional childhood"? Isn't 6 enough - 3 of whom supposedly have disabilities? Why so greedy!

Of course, the world's most famous Octuplets are still surviving, and in fact, are the "longest-surviving Octuplets" as of yet.

Yet, there have been Revelations about how she has been unemployed for several years, collecting $490 a month in food stamps plus Social Security disability payments for three of the young children!

I don't know about you, but I personally feel that this woman should perhaps, be a bit more of a Realist when she wanted those 14 kids - She should, perhaps, have estimated the costs and trouble and time needed to care for The Brady Bunch x4!!

Life is NOT a pot of gold and a bunch of rainbows! There are no unicorns running around on the green green grass with fairy Godmothers around to sort your problems.

She, as a supposedly mature young adult, should know that.

So what, is this a mid-life crisis? An overwhelming sense of Motherly Love that makes her sit at the park, staring longingly at other mothers with children or pregnant women stroll past her, rubbing her tummy, wishing she would have a - no, MANY, kids?

Does all that force her to strategically implant frozen embryos? To carry around 8 babies for 9 months - to have them be borne prematurely? To risk their lives even though there wasn't any intentions of doing so?

I think that this woman is selfish. And might very well be mental. It's disgraceful.

I am not a hater. I merely feel that if one wants to bring a being into the world, they should think carefully if they have the abilities to care for the baby, to nurture the kid(s) with love.

I do not want to send Miss Suleman to the electric chair. I merely want her children - all 14 of them - to not have to suffer the consequences of a mistake, or a miracle.

But what's done is done. This woman has 14 children. She is struggling and no matter how strongly I feel against her actions, I think that the best thing to do is support her and Her Children!

And so, if I had the money, I would totally donate for Ms Suleman's cause!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Just look at me - I'm limited

I shall skip the whole University-is-fun-yet-boring thing and go straight to the point.
So some people want to start up an online blog, well, online. The thing is - they are not professionals and have no experience whatsoever in this trade.
However, they do want to earn some bucks, which many might think is the only reason why they are desperate enough to do this.
Yet, it is safe to say that these people are genuinely interested in photography and fashion...and earning moolah.
Rest assured, they will try not to turn this space into "One of those other blogs".
This means:
-Stuff that are from Sydney, Australia
-Real vintage stuff sold at flea markets and the likes
-Australian street fashion, which is loud and VERY fashion-forward
-A wide variety of shoes, bags, clothes, headbands
-Some hot angmoh models***
-ETCETCETC when they've figured it out they will come back to tell you more!
However, the only way to get this started for these 2 penniless international students who are so so so far away from home is for people to actually be interested!
Well, what's going to happen is that they are going to buy a bunch of stuff from fleas and shops alike, take some photos, and post them here - on this blog which hardly anyone ever reads!
If no one's interested, it doesn't matter. Because these people will obviously buy nice, unique clothes, and they can wear it themselves. OR sell it to the hot angmoh models!
Disclaimer: Hot Angmoh models not guaranteed.

Monday, March 9, 2009

I never love nobody fully, Always one foot on the ground

Week 2 has been absolutely draining so far! Mondays equate to three lectures, two that run for four bloody hours straight.
What's more, the weather's being very un-cooperative! Autumn's getting on now, and despite the sun, it's never really hot as it is cold.
But anyway, we went for the 5pm church service yesterday. It was Touching Heaven; Part 2 of the new album recording. The songs are really easy to catch on and very very good, I reckon! :D We had dinner with Rachel from Nebraska, and Sancta, Steven, Alan and Gary, from Taiwan! It's nice to fellowship and have good Korean Meals!
And because my first lecture starts at 1pm today, I slept in and almost decided to never emerge from my cacoon; my warm duvet. But I couldn't, of course, because it's only the second week of school, and it seems almost illegal to skip lectures this early into the school term!
Well, What's worse is that I have three tuts tomorrow - I have to face MECO (Media) early at 10am in the morning, followed very quickly by 2 hours of French tuts. And then at 4pm, I have WRIT10021 Tut. All these would be fine if I was as outspoken as I hope to be, and/or if I have completed all the readings I am supposed to complete and know about the subject/topic to the best of my ability.
But, as you expected, I don't.
And this post is getting very boring in a hurry. I don't like boring. I bet you don't like it too. So I'm going off to finish pages 140-162, 3-18 of two different, thick, heavy textbooks and my french homework, and maybe WebCT (who knows?) and Writing?
This is scary. I've never been so hardworking before. Ever.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Yes I'll make it all mine

Haven’t you ever listened to music that made you cry? It’s like the melodies reach in through flaring nostrils and caress your skin from underneath making all your hairs rise at attention, they too trying to listen. And then all the tingly sensations, the unnamed emotions, culminate at the dam on your eyelids until they fall from your body like a stream flowing over the top of a mountain. I liken it to a musical detoxification treatment; freeing yourself of non-required thoughts and feelings and returning to your inherent self - a being made of love and light.
-Jason Mraz
I hope all of you enjoyed Mraz while he was in Singapore! I've heard it was One of the Greatest Concerts ever and I can only imagine! He never disappoints, does he! :D Credits to SuperBand too, of course!
So while I'm patiently awaiting Mraz to make his way down under to Hordern Pavillion, I can't help but keep his music on the loop - listening to all three albums on repeat. I can't wait for a new album. I can't wait for I'm Yours to stop being constantly played on the radio so I can hear something new! Make it Mine or Butterfly or whatever! All his songs blow me away! (:
In the meantime, I noticed yesterday that The Fray was coming to town too! It's on the 24th of March, also at Hordern Pavillion. Secondhand Serenade are guest starring too, although I'm not big on him. Is it too late to get tickets, you reckon? Who would go?
We're also looking to watching Chicago the musical! Broadway, bright lights, big stage, an empty arena soon filled to the brim with the masses - I want!
And while I make it all mine, there's a whole load of readings left to be done. Well, it takes a crane to build a crane.

This socks and pants will never match, So stop trying

1) Had lunch with Phae, Germs and Max at La Casa Pasta.
2) Gave our leftovers to a woman who wanted it. She walked in and asked Phae if she could take her leftovers because she was starving, and we later chased her down the street to give her food.
3) Went to Glebe Market which is really awesome and spent TOO MUCH MONEY!!!!
4) Bought:
Vintage Shoes
Vintage Bag
5) Went over to Phae's and Char's and met up with THE REST!
The rest = Kat, Max, Teresa, Max, Daniel (NOT DAVID!!!), Francesca, Anson, Taro, Rohit, Plern, Cherie and Tuvshin. It was the lamest party ever (!!) but it was still nice catching up! (:
6) Walked home with Fran, Plern, Taro, Anson, Cherie, Germs and Rohit and got bullied so much!!!!
7) Saw SUV which is REALLY NICE!!!
8) am talking to People back home whom I miss so much
9) want to sleep soon!
10) WANT TO WISH VARIANANG HAPPY 18th BIRTHDAY! You're another year older and it's been half a decade since I've known you! So please, no more lame jokes and stop bullying me! Take care and God Bless okay!!! xoxoxo

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Wicker Park Ending

Why does this get to me every single time?
The song is so, so fitting.

I love Josh. I love this show.

Touchdown Turnaround

Je ne sais pas.

Friday, March 6, 2009

And so it is, just like it said it would be

This is a cause worth celebrating! My internet is up and running, but not skype nor msn. So I guess we'll just have to live off the very pathetic facebook chatlog or whatever!
One week in university and I want to blow my brains out into slimey liquid substances all over my room. It's just way too hard! I can't do this!! Honestly!!
French, especially, is a killer! The teacher speaks french to us 98% of the time. The rest of my mates in my tuts all already know french. So it pretty much leaves me hanging on my -huhs?- and blank looks!!
But I'm not going to change it because I really like it!
Tf that means I have to turn mugger (from bummer) I will!!!!
I am so totally kickass and am very determined to try and understand that tiny bit of french!
But I really need all the help I can get! There's Laura, my genius friend who's just a bit crazier than your usual crazy person, and there's Rohit, though there's some doubt over there. Haha so anyone else who reads this blog periodically please please please hellppp!
Au Revoir!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Are we humans? Or are we dancers?

I don't feel cut out for university. Not one bit.
But then I take two step backwards and survey the situation around me - everything's in slow motion now, and the sounds are louder than usual, bursting my eardrums. It's "Retro Modern". It's contradicting. It never feels right, but it always fits. My socks never match, but they look good paired up together anyway.
Two words: University rocks/sucks. (Whichever you prefer, y'know?)
Not blogging has actually boosted my writing capacity. Or at least, that's what I want to feel. Throw in some sleep-deprivation together with the continuous sense of overwhelming awe in the same cooking bowl, and there you have it. Disaster in a minute or two. University is everything at once. It's hell and heaven, put together. It's absurd and it doesn't make sense, but it's logical.
I love university.
I hate university.
Why the overlapping feelings? Why the opposites? Because, elementary, my friends - Opposites attract.
And I so badly want to feel more educated and sophisticated in this mass of students from all walks of life in one university - but all the more I want it, all the more it's slipping away through open fingers. Well, blame me for opening my fingers.
O-week was packed with absolute fun and heavy nights of wild partying. Now that school has started, there's no more glazed eyes and walking zombies around Womens. What? NO FUN!
University is living up to the expectations of a Harvard Graduate. I don't belong here, but I badly want to. I want to be eighteen and be an international student who gets varied reactions when people actually find out that I'm from Singapore, and that I'm not from China (Or Chinoise in french!); that I actually Speak English!
Everythings tumbling down on me, but everything's fixing itself up too.
I guess that's what university life is like.
And i terribly enjoy it(: