Wednesday, March 25, 2009

That's so like you.

But, what is "So Like Me"?

Help, even I don't know.

Just like I said last night, I met Bernice and Laura today at 11am and we went for Easyway.

I am so satisfied now but could do with another cup. Or ten more.

I then met up with Teresa and took a looonnngggg walk back to Womens. Today's sun was hotter and brighter than usual. In all its glory, it made both of us want to faint.

I kind of miss winter - the strong winds and the cold cold air. But when winter comes round, I'm sure i'll be saying the exact opposite.

Anyways, we both had lunch at Thai-La-Ong which is, as usual, fantastic. After, we met up with Young and basically just sat outside of university and talked. I realised how much we've all changed in the past year. We have. It's scary yet refreshing. I like it.

But now I'm back and am contemplating on doing some work. All I want to do is sleep though! Like I told Young, I just want to delay the assignments and keep them at bay for abit. So much time, no? Funny how we lazy human beings always like to keep it to the last minute.

1 comment:

Cheryl Neo said...

I miss you. I miss you. I miss you sucker! HAHAHAHA (L)