Monday, March 9, 2009

I never love nobody fully, Always one foot on the ground

Week 2 has been absolutely draining so far! Mondays equate to three lectures, two that run for four bloody hours straight.
What's more, the weather's being very un-cooperative! Autumn's getting on now, and despite the sun, it's never really hot as it is cold.
But anyway, we went for the 5pm church service yesterday. It was Touching Heaven; Part 2 of the new album recording. The songs are really easy to catch on and very very good, I reckon! :D We had dinner with Rachel from Nebraska, and Sancta, Steven, Alan and Gary, from Taiwan! It's nice to fellowship and have good Korean Meals!
And because my first lecture starts at 1pm today, I slept in and almost decided to never emerge from my cacoon; my warm duvet. But I couldn't, of course, because it's only the second week of school, and it seems almost illegal to skip lectures this early into the school term!
Well, What's worse is that I have three tuts tomorrow - I have to face MECO (Media) early at 10am in the morning, followed very quickly by 2 hours of French tuts. And then at 4pm, I have WRIT10021 Tut. All these would be fine if I was as outspoken as I hope to be, and/or if I have completed all the readings I am supposed to complete and know about the subject/topic to the best of my ability.
But, as you expected, I don't.
And this post is getting very boring in a hurry. I don't like boring. I bet you don't like it too. So I'm going off to finish pages 140-162, 3-18 of two different, thick, heavy textbooks and my french homework, and maybe WebCT (who knows?) and Writing?
This is scary. I've never been so hardworking before. Ever.

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