Saturday, March 21, 2009

Bham, Wham, Pow

Inspiration hit me so hard today. Dinner was fabulous and so was the fellowship! Everyone was so talented and musically inclined! The pianos, the guitars, the music and lyrics - What A Gift!

And then there was this one song that really blew me away (Actually ALL the songs were fantastic!) The lyrics are so real and raw and meaningful and personal. It just made me want to sit down and grab my underused journal and WRITE. To write without hesitation; to write freely.

And that brought me back to my last entry.
I was writing about a crush I had - with cheesy lyrics that totally should never see the light of day again! And then I was so overwhelmed by Love - God's Love that is.

And I just started writing about How is it possible to fall even more deeper in Love with God when it seems like it's already at its capacity, threatening to burst at the seams; How the attraction is so strong I can't seem to tear myself away; How could Jesus the author Rewrite my life, Erase my sins and Cover them with His blood. How amazing this all is; How Surreal.

It's amazing. God is So much more than I can contain and describe. He is Everything. And that just makes me want to run and hide and laugh and cry all at the same time. How do you fanthom something seemingly out of this world?

You have faith, of course. You believe. You surrender your all.

And that's when we fall short. As human beings we were made in God's likeness. But yet we fell into temptation, we lose sight of our Main Goal - Jesus Christ. We stop running this race, we lose our passion - we lose our fire. We melt away into nothingness. In all its sense, we lose hope and meaning. Take away the focus, and we get distracted. Take away the flame, and we get lost in darkness. It's not hard. In fact, it's almost too easy.

Haha there I go again, venting my thoughts into what I call an 'Outlet'. I really should write more. An attraction to words, you say? I say God's Gift.

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