Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Of course you've heard of Nadya Suleman.

She has so many kids, you can't count them on both hands.

Yes, she's the Californian Mum who recently gave birth to Octuplets. Yes, Octuplets. Eight.

In addition to the 8 (relatively) new borns, she has six other children. And all 14 kids (Yes, do the math!) are products of a sperm donor.

In an interview with America's NBC News, Ms Suleman said that being an only child had left her yearning for connections she felt had been lacking while growing up.

What's that? I have ONE brother and that is enough. Imagine how 14 siblings packed together like sausages are gonna feel!

Anyway, I chanced upon

Very nice. So...warm, is it not?

Anyway, the babies are all darlings. And I bet the other 6 must be some cool brood.

But the thing is, should one have THAT MANY kids?

It's not hard to understand why so many people - professionals and ordinary citizens alike - are outraged over this one woman having 14 children.

According to,

"Official guidelines from the American Society of Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) say a woman her age should have no more than two embryos implanted.

This has led to angry fertility experts after it emerged she had eight of her own previously frozen embryos implanted.

Harish Sehdev, associate professor of obstetrics and gynaecology at Pennsylvania hospital, has called the decision to implant eight embryos in a woman who already has six children "insensitive and ignorant"

Multiple-birth babies are often born prematurely - Miss Suleman's octuplets were born nine-and-a-half weeks early - which puts them at significantly greater risk of long-term health problems, Mr Sehdev said. "

What if the octuplets are unable to surive? Or what if they do, but end up with other health problems?

Isn't this then very selfish of Miss Suleman? Destroying 8 innocent lives in an attempt to make up for her "dysfunctional childhood"? Isn't 6 enough - 3 of whom supposedly have disabilities? Why so greedy!

Of course, the world's most famous Octuplets are still surviving, and in fact, are the "longest-surviving Octuplets" as of yet.

Yet, there have been Revelations about how she has been unemployed for several years, collecting $490 a month in food stamps plus Social Security disability payments for three of the young children!

I don't know about you, but I personally feel that this woman should perhaps, be a bit more of a Realist when she wanted those 14 kids - She should, perhaps, have estimated the costs and trouble and time needed to care for The Brady Bunch x4!!

Life is NOT a pot of gold and a bunch of rainbows! There are no unicorns running around on the green green grass with fairy Godmothers around to sort your problems.

She, as a supposedly mature young adult, should know that.

So what, is this a mid-life crisis? An overwhelming sense of Motherly Love that makes her sit at the park, staring longingly at other mothers with children or pregnant women stroll past her, rubbing her tummy, wishing she would have a - no, MANY, kids?

Does all that force her to strategically implant frozen embryos? To carry around 8 babies for 9 months - to have them be borne prematurely? To risk their lives even though there wasn't any intentions of doing so?

I think that this woman is selfish. And might very well be mental. It's disgraceful.

I am not a hater. I merely feel that if one wants to bring a being into the world, they should think carefully if they have the abilities to care for the baby, to nurture the kid(s) with love.

I do not want to send Miss Suleman to the electric chair. I merely want her children - all 14 of them - to not have to suffer the consequences of a mistake, or a miracle.

But what's done is done. This woman has 14 children. She is struggling and no matter how strongly I feel against her actions, I think that the best thing to do is support her and Her Children!

And so, if I had the money, I would totally donate for Ms Suleman's cause!

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