Sunday, July 22, 2007


Sometimes, it's wrong to walk away

okayokayokay. i'm just gna clear some things up.
about cultural night '07
some may have read through my blog, and some of the other's senior's blog.
while we may have commented that the debut one(metamorphosis 05') was better, i don't think any of us have said that the one this year sucked.
what i'm trying to say is, your production will always be the best
i can say that, because i know it!
how many times have i performed?(not many HAHA) how many times have i performed on stage, with the best people ever - my friends, and left feeling so proud of ourselves, knowing we've done our best
how many times have we heard comments about our performance being not-so-well-done, but hey, that's not what matters
what matters is the friendship &memories you've taken away with you.
of course, you guys out there will have much more to say about that because i've always been performing with my close friends; from danceworks to sec1 orientation to teachers' day.

so yea, while i still believe that the debut one was better, please don't take it wrongly.
be proud of what you've done, of how you've acted.
because you guys were the ones who went through who-knows how many months of rehearsals and stuff like that, and all we ever did was pay 9bucks to sit in the comfy auditorium &comment.
so there. please don't get it wrong because starburst brought out the best in you guys, i'm sure.
like, i didn't know certain people could act so well!

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