Thursday, October 8, 2009

An-counter: God and You.

There is an 'Encounter' waiting for every one of us.

Some have already experienced it, some wait patiently for it, others don't even know it's coming their way.

Those who have had that encounter treasure it. They are unable to put the experience into words - that moment where all else fades away and its just God and them. In a place where there is a tangible, invisible connection. A life-changing, tear-inducing, goosebumps-generating, i-want-to-fall-flat-on-my-face-in-His-glory connection.

Encounterfest '08 changed my life. That's not at all surprising - It's hard for your life to stay stagnant after a fresh meeting with The Creator. It's like meeting (insert someone you really respect and want to meet) and multiply that by infinity. Except this person isn't a snob, but really wants to meet you too.
Which brings us back to the tear-inducing part, for He is Everything, and you...well, you are everything to Him too. An Encounter transforms your life from the inside out. Your soul bursts into a new song, a song you just want to belt out to every single person you meet.

Encounter '09, I'm sure, is going to be nothing short of amazing. I don't know what's going to happen exactly, but I do know God is definitely going to be there. So, get pumped up because this is a fantastic opportunity for young people to discover, learn, gather and encounter God all at the same time, in the same place!

It's great for those who know what it's like and clamour for more. But it's even more awesome for those who have been waiting for this one moment, and imagine what a pleasant surprise it will be for those who need it but don't know they do?

Enough said. Bring your friends, neighbours, and offer to pay for your Economics lecturer.

God Bless x

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