Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas, Birthdays, Reasons, Gifts, You, Me, Love

Merry Christmas everyone! Taking my chances before this day slips into the 26th of December stealthily, quietly :)

Can't believe it's already Christmas. Can't believe 2009 flew by so quickly. Time really zoomed over our heads and out of the window, leaving us with no clue. Time as the superglue for this year. And the next, and the next, and the next. And the next.

Thank you for your well wishes, gifts, and presence. They mean alot to me :)

So even though this holiday was not 'Christmas-sy' (it never really is anymore), it was still as special. Because I don't think I can ever stop being amazed at how wonderful life is for me. Just being surrounded by family and friends, knowing that God sent His Only Son to come, to bring peace and joy, to free the oppressed. To save. And for that I am extra-thankful on this day, for God who is Lord over all, planned for this even before you were on the blip of the radar.

You are honestly the reason for Christmas (:

Have a blessed Christmas. I hope you receive many gifts and love as you are loved - more than you can ever fanthom.

And eat more ham & turkey & logcakes & lollys.

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