Monday, December 21, 2009

You know you've been away from Singapore for too long when...

1. You cannot remember the buses that go to the bus stop nearest to your house.

2. You cannot remember what colour line the nearest MRT station to your house is.

3. You take the train to town (City Hall) but end up at Pasir Ris.

4. You drive along the CBD and ask "Is that (a) new (building)?" like a gazillion times.

5. You are amazed at the vast amount of reclaimed land.

6. You have sudden cravings for food like cheap thai take-away from thai-la-ong2 and indomee.

7. You require the assistance of cooler people to bring you to cool places i.e Timbre

8. You are appalled that the price of a plate of chicken rice is as high as $3.

9. You HAVE to keep eating, and eating, and eating, and eating, and eating. And eating.

10. You cannot even read simple chinese.

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