Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Screw the odds!

They think that you're taking advantage of me. They think that I'm using you.
But they don't know us. They think that we're ugly but I know that we're
beautiful. And we can adapt to a hostile environment.

Lexie Grey, Grey's Anatomy

The comeback of Grey's Anatomy into My Life. I'm going slow, after all slow and steady wins the race (supposedly) and I'm halfway through season 5, yes one season lag. But I've honestly Forgotten how GOOD Grey's is! It's probably my favourite (and the Best) TV show of all time! Like it gives me a warm and fuzzy feeling inside, and it sometimes moves me to tears, and its comical, and the characters are so flawed and likable!

And apart from slowly making my way back into the contemporary world of season 6s and Fringe and popular music, I Do Not take back my "It looks lame" comment about Avatar (the movie). It IS lame, but with enough good bits to make it a pretty good movie.


Seeing that Avatar was written and developed nearly 15 years ago, with a super hugeass budget of about $235million (According to wiki) you would think that the storyline would not brink on boring, but it is in fact pedestrian, at times snooze-worthy. Lucky it's secondary 'cause James Cameron delivers and tops an average plot with special effects that makes it worth your money if you watch it in 3D.


It is 2154. You are not on earth, but on a fictional planet called Pandora, with everything else -from the money-faced fiends seeking to exploit a place they do not deserve to live on, to imperfect characters (in this case, physically) caught in dilemmas but obviously choosing to oppose the dark side in the end - in place.

Pandora is home to an indegenious species called the Na'vi. They are huge and blue, and have tails. But other than their abnormal height and bioluminescent skin, they are very much human. Enter Parker Selfridge (Giovanni Ribisi), head of the aforementioned money-face fiends, who wants to get the very expensive mineral, Unobtanium - a 2154 version of today's oil - from Pandora, but he obviously closes an eye to the name of this supposedly precious mineral (hint?) as well as the fact that Unobtanium (Lame!) is found deep underground, beneath the size 15 feet of the Na'vis.

Welcome researcherGrace Augustine (Sigourney Weaver), chain-smoking, brilliant scientist who is interested in the culture of the Na'vis. She forms the Avatar programme, which creates human-Na'vi hybrids, which/who are controlled by a human while he 'sleeps'. Protagonist Jake Sully (Sam Worthington), former marine who has lost the use of his legs, is called to replace his dead twin brother, a scientist for the Avatar programme, in controlling of one of the Avatars because of his genetic match. So off Jake goes into a tiny but undoubtedly expensive machine, without experience or knowledge of the 'culture and ways of the Na'vis'. His avatar - surprisingly!! - can walk and run and do all sorts of things Jake in his human form cannot do.

Fast-forward the part where he/his avatar goes into the jungle and is seperated from the team by some really dangerous creatures, and who should save his life but our leading lady, Neytiri (Zoe Saldana), a female Na'vi, your VERY mordern version of pocahontas(who dresses really skimpily) (but I cannot bear to call her hot, since she is, after all, blue and freakishly huge?).


Neytiri decides to trust him because some pretty jelly-like substance thingys are attracted to Jake, and she brings him to Hometree, her home where her dad rules over the Na'vis (I keep typing Nazis) They decide to accept him and teach him their ways after Neytiri's mom decides she likes the taste of Jake's blood.

This he does after orders by Colonel Miles (Stephen Lang) to fit in and gain the trust of the Na'vis, ultimately persuading them to leave Hometree which sits over a large deposit of Unobtanium. However, Sully is caught between his newfound love for the Na'vis' culture and the bad guys who promises life to his legs if he is successful in his mission.

Fast-forward once again, and Sully is now initiated into the tribe of Na'vis. However, one day, Sully in avatar form wakes up and sees bigass bulldozers. He realises that the deadline is up, and finally decides to tell The People the truth, urging them to evacuate. They however, feel betrayed and ban him, and he pleads with Selfridge for another hour to save the People, but he runs out of time and passes out. Back at base he, Grace, and Norman are detained, but Trudy Chacon (Michelle Rodriguez), a pilot, breaks them out, but Grace is shot and badly injured.

Rodriguez as hot pilot Trudy Chacon

Famous for her tom-boy roles in Lost, S.W.A.T, The Fast & the Furious, and Resident Evil.

Director Cameron chose her after watching her in Girlfight

They return to the jungles, and Sully realises the only way to gain back the trust of the Na'vis is to tame and ride the Toruk, a very dangerous bird, and earns back the respect of the Na'vis. He pleads for them to save Grace through a supernatural voodoo kind of healing at a tree but it doesn't work. Not giving up, Sully stirs the Na'vis up and decides to fight back, at the same time reuniting all the clans of the Na'vis.

After some pretty awesome fighting scenes, they - of course - win, and everyone lives happily ever after the end. Oh yes, not before Sully decides to transfer his soul into his avatar.

Yes, it is a very long movie, but I maintain that the plot somehow runs out of imagination. However, the screen is definitely wide enough to blow you away. I had to stop myself from brushing away the specks of dust from the movie that seemed to be right in front of me. And yes, the effects, they make your money worth it.


Worthington, I thought did pretty good. Unknown face with good reviews. Rumoured to take Christian Bale's place in Batman 3? Even though Bale did throw a tantrum, I don't think so. Worthington will always seem like he has knobby knees to me now.


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