Wednesday, March 7, 2007


the MOL concept


reminds one of chemistry, doesn't it?
but yea, a 3 week programme which i don't think i'd be attending ):
won't be attending YF RETREAT too cause i got trgs
LOADS of trgs
i shall not complain or rant or whine
i shall just get it done, and try to win back like, gold or something
and then i'll pia.
i'll study like nobodies business [:

These few days haven't been all that fun
Apart from the very few times where friends actually colour my life with broken crayons ( precious times, i might add ) the rest of my life is like flying a kite
In other words, I Do Not Actually Have A Life
You see! im ranting again!
this is not acceptable HAHA
but yea, we were just talking about old times,
like during our lower sec days where everything was just pure fun, but yet we all did pretty well in our studies
now? we're old with wrinkles and like, white hair all over
pretty scary,huh
And suddenly, im really worried
worried about Os and all. i know i know, its still QUITE early, but then again
i don't know.
self-pressure i guess. but i really want to do well
really really really really!
to the extent that i pray about it almost everyday!
HAHAHA like, desperate yea?

well, i totally miss masterlife days(:
i don't know what i actually miss about it
probably that committment with God? yes, seems so long ago
Well, Geraldine
Do something
don't just sit there and indulge in self-pity
Push all thoughts that are not related to studying out of your mind.

I Like, I MUG
if you're not the one, then you're not the one
/*smiles tiredly.

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