Saturday, March 24, 2007

Overwhelmed by your love


HAHAHA this rocks. the feeling i mean.
we trained so hard, and so long
we complained so much, argued sometimes, got on each other's nerves, and the best of all, we encouraged and grew together
we learnt together, and bonded together
prayer sessions never fail to lift our spirits
the laughter and fun that we all shared during tough trainings never cease to amaze me
really, we have come so far.

well, maybe to some of you, silver is not good
After all, it isn't, definitely isn't gold
and to some of you, Gold is like the sign that you're the best and that you guys rock
i won't argue to that.
you know, when we stood under that really hot sun today to wait for our results
okay, the speeches were long and all, and many people couldnt tahan
but then, while i was just standing there in senang-diri position, watching people collect their trophies and listening to the coys that were being called out
i was freaking nervous i tell you
my legs were shaking, my palms were sweaty.
and when they were announcing the COP(pioneer) results
70th coy was on their toes. we were listening intently, and when our coy wasnt called
we all went like, PHHHHEEWWWWW
and then bronze, our coy wasnt called again
and we were all smiling!
but sadly, we didnt get a gold, and we were like the 2nd last coy they called for silver award
i was pretty disappointed at first
its like a sinking, deflated feeling you know?
(1st, 3rd, 4th, and 5th coy got gold)
after vesper, we ended the parade
and then suddenly i saw things in a different light
i was pretty much, EY SILVER! NOT BAD WHAT!
and then we screamed and screamed and jumped and cried and laughed waaayyy toooo much!
the feeling was like, a mixture of relieve and pride, and of course, we thanked God so much!
while we prayed, we cried even more which was pretty funny haha
but really! considering the fact that this is the VERY FIRST TIME our coy has entered the drill competition, silver is already not bad.
in fact, we beat other more seasoned coys, i think
well, we went for celebrations!
at mac. HAHA ate like nobodies business
and we were all pretty high.

drill competition is finally over!
i now can breathe air that doesnt contain GB molecules all over
and yes, in two years time, during the next drill competition
We Are So Going To Get GOLD.

Thank you Lord for everything
Be To Your Glory Forever and Ever, Amen

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