Tuesday, March 27, 2007

yea you caught my eye [:

i have finally completed SANA, badge project thing
10 people not hard to find la actually.
but im damn dumb can. i could've asked my parents
instead, i went begging Hoho

well, i really didnt want to wake up to go school today!
my bed is just so comfortable and snuggling under the blanket is like, the best thing in the world!
but sadly, not an option la.
school was okay today
just that the weather was freaking hot(as usual) (very irritating right?) (what's up with brackets!) (oh, i want THAT popppinggggg sweet thing! )
after school had meeting with ex-co
seriously dudes. meeting was whacked.
we discussed very little issues, but laughed and joked, and laughed (somemore) waaaayyyy too much!
we laughed until terence turned to comics, jmo induldged in self-denial and claimed that the file was his, cheryl started crying, koh started thinking he was in a UN conference, varian started yelling like a gorilla, dj was quiet throughout mostly, and kenneth leong just gaped in exsperation! ( forget reban rai, alright? that ass )

who was the most sane?

haha after that, we had the heritage thing
i walked to church for like, the very last part of first aid
and then we all decided to walk back to school, and listen to grace tell us ghost story!
she told us about the haunted school(movie)(why are brackets so appealing)(!!!!!???) and we got damn freaked out!
when people tried to scare us, one scream, all scream! HAHAHA
hilariously hilarious
walked to prata shop, but then bus-ed home la

anyway, you know when you stand on the bus, and when the bus stops at a bus stop, you tend to look out at the bus stop?
yea i was on 22, and that was what i did
i saw this ernie-lookalike!
botak, but he had this really intense look (like wentworth miller)(but wentworth's hotter)(MUCH HOTTERRRR!)
looked really familiar, but i can't place a name to that face.yea

school(again) tmr!
sayonara! :D

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