Saturday, March 17, 2007

secondhand serenade

Because You live and breathe

i have spent the last hour or so polishing the pride of my life
yes, my pair of over-used, underrated boots
well, sadly i am so not satisfied
You know, you can really tell how devoted a brigader is
not by her rank
nor the number of badges
nor her position
nor how faded her uniform is
nor how tan she is
BUT by her boots

you see, if she's really devoted, her boots will shine like nobodies business
and she would definitely not use liquid kiwi
PLUS her boots will have zero friction, and her heels will be almost nothing

okay that was some nonsense.
but can you believe it
four years with these precious boots
i know many of you, after reading so far, would laugh to yourself and go, "geraldine who?"
and then shake your head sadly before praying for me
and then closing the window
i am not going crazy believe me!
hahaha ask any one who owns a pair of boots
the original feels the best
it's not just how seasoned it is
it's just, that familiarity.

like all sec ones, i used to be so excited polishing my boots
learning the best methods to make my boots shine the quickest way
and all that
sec two, was the time when i had this fierce pride for my boots, and of course GB
senior, a squad leader, great friends, great juniors, great ma'ams. what else man?
haha sec 3 proved to be lazy. boots were neglected as i spent more time with mr smelly tie!
and now, sec 4 already
the boots are basically on the road to heaven

i wonder when was my last time polishing my boots and checking my teeth to see if it was shiny enough
and of course, after an hour of rubbing your finger in circles, with the stale smell of kiwi and the dampness of the cloth non-stop
one's fingers tend to get REALLY SPASTIC
like mine

seriously dudes
Try It

Lord, i pray for tmr's drill competition
We have asked of You so many things, but please just bless us
Bless the weather, and provide the Girls with strength and help us to overcome our fear/nervous-ness
Also, i wna Thank You Jesus for the past trgs
How we've really bonded, Lord, and how we just want to save our squadmates (:
Lord, whatever the outcome is, it'll be for Your Glory, not ours.

When i look in your eyes, you're ready to break
don't walk away

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