Tuesday, June 26, 2007


This may never start, we could fall apart

2nd day of school was G-reat! though really long.
watched a clip from Patch Adams(i have the cd)(really la dumb) for PG
&english was not bad. when i say not bad, i meant Not Bad.
after recess, walked back to classroom to find Mrs Peh in there!
not ms lim, or even mrs nair at all! was shocked because i WAS looking forward to bio
but then mrs peh announced to my very noisy class(everyone was complaining haha) that she was gna teach us, but who knew how long
this got us even more noisy and all. &she didnt know what to teach us, which sucked because she wanted to revise chapter 18(i think so.)
the whole class wasnt listening! 1/2 the class was sleeping(me included. i tried to follow the lesson but my goodness! so very very boring.) &the other half was talking &basically making alot of noise!
haha the Best, or WORST part actually was when smarties threw a stinkbomb to the centre of the class
lol candy &the rest immediately RAN away SCREAMING! that woke me up &i didnt know what was happening UNTIL the smell reached me.
it got the whole class smelling like old socks and rotten eggs! seriously. even mrs peh couldnt stand it and walked out of the class. Got a feeling she was trying to maintain her poise and composure. feel so sorry because she tried to teach us, but obviously failed. horribly
after the 2 periods we had to go to the computer lab &then smarties threw yet another stinkbomb. hahaha everyone flew out in like, record time!
haha talked to the sec3s today. actually, jmo did all the talking while i just listened &like the rest, reflected too.
it was a major thing we were discussing so yea, it was good.
i really hope that they, not just the exco, will be able to manage and rise up &do their best
to improve and even do better than my batch! haha
oh, was at macs when i saw RACHEL! ahhhh pbb camp seems so long ago! (:

alright. my little cousin's really cute. she's 7 and acts like some ahlian from who knows where.
AND i gta be in school at 6.30am tmr morning!

&i'll be your anything.

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