Wednesday, June 13, 2007

mutiple personality disorder

It's wednesday today.
so really really fast
Finally caught Zodiac on monday
i give it FOUR STARS
it's pretty good in the sense that it didnt have the basic usual crap like people getting married and all
the movie was all about murders and research and stuff like that, totally to the point
come to think of it, maybe not everyone may think its good
but i think its good haha homicides &all
been bumming around, and the weather's unbearable.
plus i have PBB camp tmr. i'm hoping that it'll be fun and all
not a trg camp where we gotta do drills like practically half the day
well, im sure its not, or at least, i hope
because its 4 days, and i wna enjoy it to the max.
and of course, there's a littlest part of me that doesnt wna go. but that's normal in this kinda circumstances
alright. i'm getting boring so i shall stop boring you
tell me What Am I Saying?

im the girl that kicking the coke machine.

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