Friday, June 29, 2007

xiao wu gui

One day i'll find you

really really long day today
shall not elaborate because i'm really tired and i still have clementi town's prelim paper 2 to finish!
PLUS i wanna catch my prison break in peace.
well, MT oral starts today, & my Os end on the 6thnov.
last paper: 4.30. lit paper 2
life's a bitch,huh. they can't even let us rest in peace. haha
and gna head to chompchomp tmr with table partnerrrssss because we're craving for GOOD FOOD!
hell we spent one whole period discussing what time to meet because kiasu bernice doesnt wna be late!
alright. so much for not elaborating. will probably go try out the DPA thing.
TP for me. 1-2; i'm so damn determined to achieve the results i want!
okay maths, Here i come!

you're using up my air, choking up my space.
it feels so cramped whenever i'm around you

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