Wednesday, January 2, 2008

split tongues

Okay fear factor is scaring me. There's this woman who has split tongues. Like, literally. And she can move like, both sides and while you're eating your dinner, that's not exactly the best entertainment.

I woke up so early today i was like a walking zombie for the rest of the day! And when i stepped out of my house, all i saw was students in school uniforms crawling everywhere! It was getting to me because i feel so out of place not being in school. Like, who doesn't like first day of school right? Yeah well that was so last year and on the second day of new year i hung around with my grandmum who can't sit up for more than 2 minutes. Accompanied her to the hospital for her routine checks &the doctor shockingly told us that her back wasn't causing her the pain. It was her kidney! Totally blew my mind because for the last 2 months or so we all thought it was her back. Yeah well they're gna do a CT scan and all and i feel very Grey's Anatomy now. Just not so much Mcdreamy as Mcsteamy. I can't wait to watch season 3 and then 4 and oh just thinking about it makes me smile. I know i totally sound psycho but if you watch it, you'll understand. I really like Cristina. She should win like, ten grammys for that role. Remember "SEDATE ME!" and "You're my person"? Apart frm Dr.Bailey(whatever her real name is) - who is from theatre so obviously she has that energy, cristina really is very good. Next is George because his mannerisms just make me wna laugh. He's so awkward i'm embarrassed for him.

So anyway, mango had sales but stuff were still extremely expensive and i usually steer clear of mango stores when it's having sales BUT today mango@tm was relatively quiet so i went in empty handed and left with a pair of jeans which i got for FOURTY FOUR BUCKS. it's like such a great bargain! (speaking of bargains...) And i realised i'm babbling but so what sue me.

And last night i totally dreamt that i was holding on to a lomocam and taking pictures like, everywhere and cheryl was with me and she was just staring at me with this look on her face. That eyebrow look that makes me wna laugh. I know it's a weird dream but since when have my dreams been normal?

And if you people read ytd's newpaper, then i'm telling y'all that the articles there are what really pushes me and motivates me to become a journalist. Witty articles get me done.

I know that's alot of words in one post all clamped up together and i know how some people hate this but i could go about writing about my life saying:
1. Wake up
2. Survive
3. Get back to bed

Simple but obviously the easiest way to live. And i'm catching up with the usual tmr after their school ends and we're probably gna catch Aliens vs Predators 2. I'm not a big fan of those alien screams and the laser pointing things that blast through people but apparently there's not much shows around. And bloody switchfoot is coming on the 31st, and maroon5 is coming around march. I hope all those bands stopover at sydney or smethg or else i'll be a really sad person.

Okay i'm so tired now i feel like sleeping beauty and a hundred years isn't enough. Even prince charming couldn't kiss me awake. Unless he's really hot. Like Johnny depp hot. Then that's a completely different story.

Oh and depp has a new movie. Apparently it's some musical thingy and i can't wait. His bathroom singing gets on my nerves every night and i really wna hear smethg more professional. And speaking of musicals, let's all get together and watch moulin rouge! It's so awesome. I mean, since i'm so free and all.

erm, cheers!

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