Friday, September 19, 2008

Pseudologia fantastica

I'm doing this at 2.30 in the morning because i was busy. It wasn't a matter of choice, but rather, being asked to do so.


End of the 2 day series of the Sex+Love+Relationship seminar.

I would give it a pat on the back if I could, but I can only cheer on Ed and Lisa Young!

Ed is simply such an entertaining speaker! He is animated and funny and very, very engaging.

So basically, the whole seminar was about, sex, love and relationships. No, duh! Haha it's very word-based and God-centred, which is awesome.

There's of course, this thing that we keep harping about now: HNL - Hole Nutha Level. (Pronounced: Whole -a-nother Level) or HOLY Nutha Level.

And that's basically what it's ALL about! Taking it to A HNL!

Some 22 points that is insanely accurate and spiritual (most of it) and very very interesting (not all though, cause it's simply too many!) :

1. Marriage is a reflection of God. In marriage, there will be Death, Burial and Ressurection. It is a place for reflection, perfection and protection. God has created a covenant in marriage and from it, we can go deeeeeppppp.

2. 1+1 = 1

3. Lust is a God-given desire gone haywire.

4. Sex is a form of relationship, discipleship and worship. (this cracked us up)

5. Those who cannot worship God, who cannot find Him, worships sex. Sex is the closest thing you can ever get to God! (How true is this!)

6. To Christian guys: JUST GET MARRIED

7. Marriage takes work. Every relationship is high maintainence :D

8. Selfishness makes you smell like a fish (HAHA OKAY so this isn't very spiritual or even literally true, but it was funny alright!)

9. Marriage is a step of faith and you can use it to motivate others. But it won't solve all your problems.

10. EVERYTHING is spiritual; EVERYTHING is an act of worship.

11. There has to be RESPECT, ORDER, ENERGY, KNOWLEDGE and RECONCILIATION in a relationship

12. It's not romance, it's creativity.

13. You don't feel your way to committment, but rather, commit and then the feelings come.

14. Dating is a lease with an option to buy! :D

15. Defective daters : Fail to let Jesus take the wheel (true christ follower? We have to be equally yoked so that we can share the deepest part of who we are to our partner), Has a Showroom mentality (looks at certain details. We gta know each other long enough and well enough!), fails to pop the trunk and inspect the baggage (Temperaments, family etc), Ignore road signs (Go SLOW and get to KNOW. If it's time to stop, STOP!), Fail to call road-sign assistance (Biblical counsellor), go off-road (pre-marital sex) and like to test drive ('playing house' - living tgt before marriage. It is a life-uniting act without a life-uniting committment.).

16. Agape Love vs Eros Love

17. A true christ follower is someone who has a life story to tell (a testimony), someone who exhibits and produces fruits that are not plastic (fake), peels(share it, not eat it!) but fruits that are organic and supernatural. Someone who gets involved in church, not UFOs - Unidentified Freeloading Observers (!!!!)

18. ASK - Always Seeking Knowledge.

19. Look at a person's character - there has to be a wholeness, integrity, discipline, honesty etc. INTEGERS, NOT FRACTIONS!

20. Think Profoundly and deeply about sex. Do not be ashamed with it because it is a God-given gift!

21. We (Mind, Body, Spirit) are made in the image of God (the Father, Son, Holy Spirit). We are not animals! Not dogs in the heat.

22. Say many 'NO's for a Bigger YES!


And that's basically it. Like I said, it's not everything, but these are just some points that I felt was worth mentioning.

I'm happy, I'm preppy and bursting with love(:

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