Monday, September 8, 2008

Turning me inside out


Today has been a whirlpool of emotions. Rollercoaster Ride.

My day started off alright. For English, we got back our discussion essay. Needless to say, I got a CREDIT, which is by far, the lowest I have gotten this year for any subject.

My first thought was to freeze ice-cold. And I did. But somehow, that lasted for about a fraction of a second, for I soon began to not think about it. That pretty much scared me because I'm usually very grade-conscious.

Mario told us about how he is going to be much more strict this semester, purely because this IS the SECOND and last semester before we all grow up and troop off to be adults in university. He said that "(you) have nothing to lose...that is why I gave you such a low mark".

Strangely, I'm quite thankful for this Credit. At least I did not fail. AND it kinda stopped me from being one step closer to being overly-confident and complacent. I still hate the feeling of having high expectations placed on me by teachers and classmates. I can never stand the feeling of not being able to meet expectations, so why expect so much out of me in the first place? My grades are for myself. And my first priority, is for Him.

But yes, it was time for a credit, and rightfully so.

The first exam paper I got back was for Media. I was two marks short of bringing it all back, but I am satisfied. Let's hope this will continue and not stop here.

In the afternoon, my cousins who were holidaying in Australia came to my college. Let's just say EMBARRASING isn't the right word. More like, PROUD :D :D :D
Haha he's just so awesome and well, LOUD and really, just your typical road side ah bengzxzxz from singapore. But hey it was a very nice feeling having people from back home come visit me.

And then after dinner, we've been sitting around chit-chatting. That's when the rollercoaster ride starting going down. You know how you're falling at godspeed and the wind's just blowing through your hair and in a blink of an eye (not that you can actually blink) you're on another loop? Yeah, that's what I was feeling.

Actually, I don't know what to feel.

So yes, I shall go back to do my homework.

And charlotte just went to the city to get easy way for all of us!


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