Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Hollywood hills and suburban thrills

I've been busy busy busy bumble bee. Last few days has been rollercoaster all. Only comfort is that I am finally done with PIP. Good riddance. Sayonara. Ciao. I'll burn you the next time I see you.


Well I finished it over the weekend and binded it on mon, thus avoiding the bind-rush at the library today. Anna was so pissed off because some people cut her queue after 40mins of waiting. I would be pissed off too. It's a pissy situation. Pissy. Pissed. Piss. Pee.

Okay. My mind is working in an anit-clockwise direction now. Not exactly the best time to blog. Written across my left hand in black marker is YOUR SILENCE IS MURDER. HAHA WTH Now I'm supposed to be emo nemo?

D-oh! I hope y'all are doing fine. Fineeeee. Because if you're just as busy as I am with piles of assignments and your body responding slower than everything else, then congratulations. Welcome to Loserville where the lo-se-rs reside by the seaside. English is so not to be messed with. Seaside, reside, what the hell.

The Academy is... playing now. I thought I moved on. Who knew it was only temporary? Boom shakalaka. I can't wait for weds, thurs. fri, and the next 3 weeks to be so over so I can like finally PACK my insanely messy room filled with tonnes of rubbish, throw all my notes to the next batch, and E-V-A-C-U-A-T-E! 1 year in the same room, with the same 4 walls, with un-openable windows is unbearable. Why not just throw us a straitjacket and a 4-wall padded cell?

Do I sound Bitter? Beee-terrrr? Cause I'm not.
I'm just tired.


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