Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Darned Pests

What else? Yet ANOTHER cockroach in my room!
What else, Yet another DEAD cockroach OUT of my room.

The world is becoming a better place, hopefully. My life is awesome.

I must stock up on newspapers. Because that is my weapon against the small disugsting bugs that irritate the hell out of me. I mean, if you (roaches) are gna habitate in my room, at least do it out of my sight! I'll feel so much better.

The last one actually RAN ACROSS THE TABLE, IN FRONT OF ME.

How dare you (it!)!!!! You totally got what you deserve - DEATH!

Anyway, on another note, I had so many weird, conflicting dreams last night. Not that I remember specifically what it was. Dreams probably suck up my energy though, because now I'm as lifeless as a...dead roach (? Haha?) And I badly want to crawl into bed but there's probably no point in doing so - I'm meeting Germs for lunch at Manning (where else). Oh PhotoSoc is having social/FREEEEEE lunch too! Guess that's where i'll be at! :D

But, Today is the start of something new!

From now on, I will kill as many roaches as I like and not freak out. I will step and whack and hit and spray to my heart's content.

From now on, I will STUDY EVERY SINGLE NIGHT. I will not walk into a World Politics Tutorial and be absolutely clueless on the topic****

From now on, I will do my readings faithfully and keep an eye peeled for assignments that creep in in the middle of the night. That would save me from a shocker.

From now on, I will save money and eat in College or go for Social (read: FREE) lunches. Yes, that's right. Oh, and I will also EAT A LOT in College. Who cares about gaining weight? That's so last year.

From now on, I will be more verbal in class and less verbal not in class.

From now on, I will read the news daily. OR try to do so.

From now on, Life would be ten times better and the sun will shine ten times brighter. Yes - winter might never come this year round! Three Cheers for that!

Disclaimer**** We were talking about US/Iran's stand against/for the whole problem between Israel and Hamas in a Realism point of view. I managed to contribute even though I didn't know What HAMAS was. So embarrassing. Now I know though - so I can't be labelled as absolutely clueless. If they brought Gaza in earlier, or perhaps, used the word PALESTINIAN, life would be so much better. But this disclaimer is getting too long, and I reckon I need to get into the whole "Current Affairs, General Knowledge" thing. Right.


Cheryl Neo said...

I got this feeling that you won't be able to recarnate (is there this word? :/). Cos you are killing to many living things - cockroaches. Set a record pls. HAHA.

Geraldine said...

Haha it's reincarnate (i think). But THEY SHOULD BE KILLED. THEY SHOULD BE EXTINCT!!!!!