Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Not today, or tomorrow

I woke up late this morning because my room was so nice and cold and it was so cosy just snuggling under the blanket! I made it to class on time though - seeing that I live right on campus it should be near impossible to be late.

Anyway, the funny thing was after washing up, I noticed that the blinds were moving, presumably because of the strong winds outside.

BUT THEN - I close my windows every night - So how can the blinds be moving!?!?!

Shocked, I decided to pull up the blinds - something I never do so I depend on lights or live in darkness most of the time - and to my HORROR - My window was OPEN, and the mosquito netting thingy was gone!

I was pretty much HALF-awake at this time, plus I was very flustered, so it took a moment for it to sink in. Not believing my own eyes, I actually tried to feel for the netting! BUT IT WASN'T THERE!!!


I know it sounds incredulous to say that someone opened my window. But isn't it more incredulous to say that the wind blew the netting away? AND lifted open my window?!?

I don't know if I should be freaked out. Well, I guess I am since it's blog-worthy.

Disclaimer: My window is like the old kinds. Where you have to lift it up, not slide it open. Yes, Australia isn't as advanced and hip as Singapore. That's what I keep telling them.
Also, just outside my window are the air conditionings etcetc. The old kinds too. Who knows - someone might have climbed onto the shaft-like thingamajics and opened my windows.

Anyway, I have locked both windows now so it should be alright! Nothing seems to be missing - I actually haven't been too bothered to look =/

Plusplusplus! I handed in my WP assignment today so I can finally BREATHE. BUT I still have more tests and assignments coming up so I must start working harder.

And I want to go to Canada (Toronto uni/ Uni of Ottowa) next year for exchange programme! Soo exciting!!! First choice was FRANCE but I'm OBVIOUSLY not proficient enough to be taught in a language I hardly know! Second choice - Boston, but only Business students can go! Unfair!!

I also looked at Manchester uni, University of Helsinki and a few others in the states!
But so far Canada looks most promising because a) Courses are taught in English and b) Canadians speak french! And so I still get to brush up on my French!

D'accord! Must study! Au Revoir!

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