Saturday, February 7, 2009

And This Just In, You're A Dead Fit; But My Wit Won't Allow It

I woke up not too long ago. I should be out and about, with a much happening night life. But instead, I'm stuck blogging on a dead webpage that probably is read by less than 10 people. (Who, I'm quick to add, I appreciate very much just sitting there and being able to keep reading on since I'm always talking nonsense on this webpage)
I went for GB this morning. I nearly couldn't get up because I was exhausted from yesterday's walking about. Singapore ain't that small on foot, okay! I headed out to a couple of places with my cousin, so check out my FB for pictures [:
Anyway, that's not the point. The point is that a junior of mine, called MOE, joined GB recently. She's sec3 and already, she's in the GOH for this year's speech day! Last week she only knew how to fall in and stand to attention. Today, it was mine and juiwei's task of sending her on a drills spree - from stationary drills to marching to hentak to pandan to saluting. Pretty soon we'll have her doing slow march and the likes.
Anyway, I've come a long way from GB, and someone shouldn't allow me out on the parade square with my boots and full-u. I cannot even remember certain commands. Execution is already embedded in my mind, and thus, I'm on automatic mode whilest doing drills. Am I making sense? Well, I guess not.
And lunch with Alyssa and Juiwei was not very noisy - which I must point out, we usually are. There is a reason for this, and it is attributed to the fact that we are almost 18. Well, Alyssa's turning legal on Monday, which leaves the rest of us having some catching up to do.
I don't want to be 18. I want to be 14. I want to be crazy and run around. I want to have loud, embarrassing moments.
But I can't. Because I'm joining the ageging population.

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