Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Details in the Fabric

In today's edition of The New Paper (11 Feb 2009), the first mention of President Obama was on page 18.

Headlines: "Obama repeats Bush gaffe"

"President Barack Obama is still getting used to some details of his new life - he bumped his head while boarding his presidential helicopter. It happened on Monday morning at the White House's south lawn.

Having waved goodbye, the 1.85m-tall Obama attempted to enter the helicopter but misjudged the height by some centimetres.

After a slight bump, the President resorted to bending down to get his frame through.
Former President George W. Bush also whacked his head on Marine One's hatch in the early weeks of his presidency.

This is not his first Bush-life gaffe.

Last month, Mr Obama had a "door malfunction" at the White House after a meeting with House and Senate Republicans.

He tried opening a paned window instead of an actual door, located just a few metres to his right. The door was paned too.

While Mr Obama's mistake was put down to his rookie status in new surroundings, Mr Bush's gaffe in 2005 after a press conference in Beijing was widely reported. He yanked at a locked door handle to exit the room.

Making light of it, Mr Bush told the media: "I was trying to escape, it didn't work". "

I mean, I think President Obama is awesome. He's probably the best change we've all been awaiting. He could seriously be swell if he doesn't get assassinated, and actually delivers the changes he promised to deliver.
I liked that he had to take his oath twice. It's human - a very natural mistake.
I liked that he talked about the handicapped people in his speech, directly referring to them.
I like that he's the first ever black president.
I like his charisma.
I like his youth.
I liked the jokes about how the White House should be painted Black.
Heck, I even like seeing him on the cover of almost every recent edition of Newsweek.

But can't we just move on already, and quit doing the compare-Bush-to-Obama dance? Surely there are bigger, better news out there than Obama 'whacking' his head on Marine One (Which I'm sure is fantastic).

Can I hear more talk about his JOB??? NOT WHAT HE HAD FOR LUNCH. Please, seriously!

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