Monday, February 2, 2009

When my mind's made up

I'm tired and stink like hell. The Brother is hogging the toilet and I have yet to bathe!

I will post pictures up once I upload them! Yesterday morning, I trooped down to Yuying and helped out in GB :D
There were new sec ones, so it was kind of like a welcome thingamajic! Taught the sec ones some basic drills and I am VERY ashamed to admit that I cannot even remember the command for roll call. But the games were fun, AND ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING, THANKS TO JUIWEI HAHA
But it totally reminded me of my batch etcetcetc you know the usual drills etcetcetc!

So yes, I was super restless in church today for some reason or another. And we ran at around 5pm and then dinner at grandmum's!

And the toilet is free now. And no doubt, very wet =/

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