Friday, February 20, 2009

This is not my heart This is not your song

And so I'm surviving. Have been, and still am. The last few days have been pretty lazy. My parents and I haven't been doing much! We've basically just roamed about the city and ATE ALOT. In fact, I gained about 1KG already! HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE! IT IS SO OUTRAGEOUS! Reminder: Start eating less, walk more!
There was some international student orientation going on the last 2 days - but I didn't attend. I guess I just wasn't interested, haha. I did go for enrolment today though, and am very proud to announce that I have chosen the subjects I'm going to do as a First year uni student! SO TOTALLY KICKASS. Of course, I might change it over the course of the next few weeks or so, but right now, I'm quite pleased with my choices!
So just for the kicks of boring you out of your butts, I have 2 compulsory core units for Sem1 - Media principles (Say: Pernille! Haha!) and a choice between 2 english subjects and a writing unit. I chose the writing unit because the other two seems downright Boring! Which leaves two free units for me to choose - One is french (I can still change it to Spanish, y'know!) and I chose this other writing unit. Some lecturer came and talked about this unit, which is modelled after a similar course under a different name in Stamford, So I'm guessing it's pretty good! It was quite convincing, really. Good stuff. So for sem1 it's going to be quite light, I hope!
Sem2, though, would be heavy. It's one compulsory core unit, and then French, of course, and then I whacked World Politics (!!!!) and also International Economy and Finance (!!!!!!!!!!!) It sounds crazily scary, even to me!
And I did meet the cool people from Taylors - Carcy, Joyce, Velda, Ashley, Soyoon, Tomoka, Ricci etc. Met this girl from Malaysia called Gillian who seems wayyy cool! She did year 11 & 12, though, and she decided to do spanish instead of french! Haha plus, she can't fit in the writing unit, so we can't be classmates! ):
Haha! University seems like a blast! Everyone seems so cool and fun and not to mention, smart!
Anyways, we're going house-hunting with Danny and Emm tomorrow. Think sprawling gardens, 1000 square foot metres (that's my home back in Singapore times 10!!), and lawns to be mowed. HOW COOL IS THAT!!
And so I hope y'all have a good one!

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