Monday, February 9, 2009

But Do You Really Feel Alive Without Me?

You know What I think?
I think all these heart-broken girls in Singapore should Get. A. Grip. Of. Themselves.
If the boyfriend thinks that you're not good enough/not pretty enough/thinks that you'll wait for them 4evazxzx until the sky falls down, then LEAVE HIM !!!!!!!
Why bother to wait? All of you are pretty enough. Some of you are pretty famous, in Singapore, in the blogging society. All of you are talented in one way or another.
But it's a fact that (most)(hahaha!)(MOST, OKAY!) guys are jerks. They probably don't mean to be one, or may actually be nice guys. But somehow, they are wired differently from us.
This roughly translates to INSENSITIVE in Girl Language.
I don't believe in 'patching up's for a reason! If there is a way to work it out, then work it out. If you mean so much to the guy, he'd put in the effort to at least try and make things alright!
Do You really feel alive without me?
If so, be free, If not, leave him for me
Damien Rice
Accidental Babies

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