Monday, February 9, 2009

Good news, bad news, good news

Disclaimer: Super Long Post.

Chris Martin is so charming. So so soooo charming..

Okay. So a mention of "Jason Mraz" made me switch from cartoon network to Starworld which is showing The Grammy's now! Total kickass music awards!
And then i switched channels and Guess What? Jason Mraz was non-existent and I was forced to watch 2 minutes of the Jonas Brothers.
TJB do not appeal to me. In no way are they cute. They look short. And the screwed up thing is that I really want to watch RockBand, despite them having pretty major roles.
But whatevz coz (according to them, on the grammy's) BLINK 182 are playing music together again! Is that Awesome, OR WHAT! Definitely NOT "or what!"
And I think Katy Perry is weird. Some people call her quirky. I think she's just plain weird.

I kissed a girl, and I liked it?
Not something I want to hear on the airwaves from a girl!
Am I the only one who isn't shivering with pure delight at the mention of her name? Who doesn't go ga-ga over her satin pants and whimsical dress sense? Brightly coloured outfits? Bleaugh.
Sometimes I see Katy Perry and I think she's pretty.
More often than not though, I think she looks shocked. With a tinge of awestruck-look-edness.
(Is one eye bigger than the other? Hmmmmm)
And So I present to you a few of her outifts which I ripped off from GFY (whose blog I read every single day, mind you!)
HYAAAA! This makes me dizzy with fear, I want to kung-fu someone right now.
This puts "quirky" and "whimsical" into a whole new different meaning. It's a HNL, people! There are sirens going off in my head.
When I first saw the top half of this, I actually went: "Oh! Katy Looks kinda pretty here!"...And then I saw that absurd thing sticking out of her otherwise not-too-horrible-looking dress. Is it a ruler? Something to keep Katy Perry from falling apart? Oh, Katy, enlighten me!
I was speechless, seeing this. And I couldn't agree with GFY more: PUT ON SOME PANTS KATY PERRY!
It just screams Lily Allen, does it not?
HAHAHAHAHA The terms "Deranged" and "Compulsive" just popped into my mind. Does she have a full-length mirror at home? Is she a flamengo dancer in disguise?
And while I'm still at it, yesterday, the family and I went up the Singapore Flyer!
The Singapore Flyer is the largest observation (ferris) wheel to date (but not for long) and was really quite dysfunctional just weeks ago.
I admit, the thought of getting stuck way up high in a observation capsule for 8 hours with not much of a view and a whole bunch of other singaporeans does not appeal to me much.
But obviously, nothing happened and I did not need to rappel down a stunning 163 metres. I have rappelled before, but four stories and 163 don't exactly come from the same brood.
But yes, I do have some pictures up on Facebook!
. ..


I want to eat pizza. Hmm.

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