Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Soon she's down the stairs, Her Morning Elegance she wears

I've scene a vision.


I saw this on teenvogue.com and he's 20, from Louisiana, and extremely cute! What a piece of yummy, yes! I think he's dating Miley Cyrus who has a great voice but needs to sing better songs!

I wonder why we don't have more of his species here in Singapore !!!

Anywayzxz I met my mom at her office today before we took a cab down to One Raffles Quay. When she told me that she needed to get to the Bank, I thought of the ones that you can find anywhere, not the main offices! Which meant that I went to CBD in shorts and an oversized tee and slippers. Let's just say I didn't exactly fit in.

So I did my medical checkup - first Xray's and later, the tests all. I am very pleased to announce that even though I have not checked my weight since the LAST medical checkup, which is in Dec'07, my weight's been about the same! I thought I would bust the weighing machine because it seems like I've put on a lot of weight ever since I trooped down under!

I didn't grow taller, though. Not one inch. But that's expected so I'm not gonna mope around and blame my genes! Haha

Oh and I saw a camera going at 40bucks at Far East Plaza. It's NOT under lomo, and its tinier than an ActionSampler, though it has the same 4-lenses thing going on! I was so so so so tempted to buy it!! It's quite reasonable, I think, and it runs on 35mm film which is so much easier to find/buy/develop/print/scan than 120! BUT DIANA, I STILL LOVE YOU KKK!

Speaking of cameras, I think I need to shoot more. But of course, I've been far too lazy. Everyday I wake up at around the same time. Everyday I watch Ben10 from 9-10am and Teentitans from 10-11am. Everyday I laze around and do nothing. Everyday, Everyday, Everyday. I am so boring, it's not even funny!

Oh and I think Shawn has a knack of finding good youtube videos. The latest he introduced gave me the chills!

1. The video is bloody brilliant!!!!
2. The song is bloody brilliant!!!!
The artiste is Oren Lavie who is a singer, songwriter, playwriter and a theatre director! A genius who grew up in the Land of Milk and Honey (Israel, d-oh!) but later moved to london, new york, and Berlin!
I want his album The Opposite Side Of The Sea! ANYONE? (:

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