Monday, February 2, 2009

Delight and I.

Five minutes into swearing that I will not be/am not/was never ever emo, I
plugged the harddrive in and started playing The Butterfly Effect. My life is
one, giant (horrific) irony.

Seriously, how am I emo? It is just not possible. I -
Me, with my rainbows and chocolate sprinkles and glitter galore - How am
I emo?!

I never cut myself. I don't cry my bleeding eyes out. Sure, I listen to
bleak music sometimes. But more often than not, my ipod's blasting Jason Mraz
who is completely happy and boppy(?) and/or Bohemian Like You by Dandy Warhols
which is a total hippy song: READ: Peace, joy

Ahh, screw that. You'll probably never believe me. Someone just died in the
movie. Everyone's dying in this movie. And all that bad language, too!
Paedophilic fathers and brothers as psychopaths. I really need to watch
something happy....something like...Madagascar or what. Marley & Me?

Oh wait, I almost forgot to mention, Women's College
(finally) accepted me! I actually thought twice about accepting the offer
and so I called me dad up. And he scolded me, telling me to take it! After all,
if I don't accept it I'll be accomodation-less. Not a very nice way of starting
uni 09' with a bang.

Okay, I am going to continue watching my movie - Evan is charmingly scary. I wish Ashton Kutcher would shave his beard off though. It's straggly and unkempt, and as much as I like him on Punk'd, where he is cute in a psychotic, i'm-high-on-marijuana way, it isn't doing him any good. How is demi moore keeping up with hotfuzz? Hahaha okay this is starting to sound quite retarded.

Okay. Too much digression. I am Not Emo. I am happy and preppy and bursting with love. LOURRVEEEE. Delight and I will take a shot at Bleakness and chance the enchanted road of happiness over the rainbow where we'll find a pot of gold and all that.

I'll be back mayn. Better not bitch up.

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