Friday, February 27, 2009


I am sleep/internet/skype/msn/blog/facebook (delete where applicable) deprived. But it doesn't matter!! Cos i'm a fRESHER and it's all gooooooodddd (:
I am OBVIOUSLY enjoying O-week so far at womens. It's been four days of hardcore partying and schmoozing, meeting people from all over (Australia); confusing/forgetting names and faces and courses and places. It all sums up to So. Much. Fun.!!!!
So we'll break it down, take it slow, drink some coffee, curse the weather, and bring some highlights.


Tues 24/02
I moved into women's college and was pleasantly surprised to find that my room was HUGE. It's a bigass room, which is such a bigass thing. Plus, there's only 7 of us living in the Back Alley, or BAlley, as it should be officially renamed as. But of course, good things come in small packages, which includes a gift from hell: ROACHES. Big ones, tiny ones, ugly ones, Fast ones - roaches all crawling in the BAlley. But isn't it expected! Sheesh.
Anyway, I'm officially a fRESHER, part of the women's crew. We're at the bottom of the ship's food chain - nothing, nobodies.
So, HIGHLIGHTS: Women's Night In...
We learnt cheers and our dance, which we have to dance to every single time the song (When I Grow Up - PCD) is being played - for the rest of our lives, at any place, at any time. It was totally awesome stuff! There was a party at the Sals (A bar in one of the colleges) but I didn't go because i was UNDERAGED. But a couple of us did pop into Menzies and watch Priceless - a french movie.
Weds 25/02
Breakfast was at 8, so we all set our alarms at sevenish. But obviously, the seniors had other (Evil) things in mind. They blew their really annoying whistles and knocked on our doors and shouted at us to wake up at bloody 6am!!!! I was so rudely waken! Haha! I actually fell out of bed because I thought that I was late for the Chancellor's talk! Seriously, I think I had a mild heart attack there!!
But anyway, what we had to do was Run. Oh wait, how could I forget (Note: Sarcasm) we had to CHEER too. We went to Pauls, Wesleys, Johns, Drews, Sancta and cheered at their windows, as if it were a really really screwed up shakespeare play. We also ran past a 7-11 and burgered** the guy -.- Apparently, there was a McCafe beside 7-11 (this is according to Tash) and some guys were all: "I can't do this at 6am!! I can't stand it!" HAHAHA!
Highlight of the day: Harbour Cruise with Paul's guys. Theme: Emergency Services. We must have been a sight, riding the 400s to Circular Quay dressed up as policewomen/nurses/armywomen(!!)/navy officers etcetcetc. Well, a bunch of the Pauls' guys were wearing Scrubs! And they planted the word 'Gay's Anatomy' on it! And put the words 'McDreamy' and 'McSteamy' at the back!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I was absolutely shocked because how could they degrade Grey's Like that! And don't even get me started on mcdreamy, mcsteamy! So mctotally mccrappish!! HYAAAA!
But anyway, we danced some, drank some. The party got a bit wild with a number of drunks and a lot of hooking up and pashing and stripping. All while we travelled on water. Hmm. Very nice. Haha but you gotta admit, a coupla Paul's guys were pretty cute!
We grabbed a cab home after, while a bunch of others went to another pub for the afterparty. Happpeenniinnggg or whatttt!
Thurs 26/02
We had breakfast at Drew's and it was absolutely the MOST disgusting thing Ever. Some of Drew's Seniors asked two of the freshers (one of whom was sitting at my table)(The other was really quite cute hahaha)(okay shan't digress no more) to compete to see who would finish up homemade protein shakes first. What protein shakes, you ask??
Raw eggs, milk, juice and probably a couple of other stuff.
Well, once was enough, but they had to do it again, and both freshers drank so much, they puked. They puked INTO their shirts, and it got so full, they manually 'released' it = A. Huge. Mess! Guys are utterly disgusting! That probably wouldn't ever happen in Singapore! On parquet flooring too!! Flabbergasteedd =o
Highlight: Coffee Crawl. A few of us at Women's and Sancta's, plus 2-3 (ex) drew's guys went to Newtown to cafe-hop. We ended up watching a documentary called Invisible Children (which I reckon you should totally watch) and in actual fact, only bummed at Cafe Newtown some. The Sancta girls were really nice though. Many people over here are! (Many, not all)
And today is Friday. There's a Toga Party that was happening, but I actually skipped a few parties. I was either underaged or couldn't be interested. But I did join some clubs & Socs in uni though!
Well, I am dead tired now and pictures will be up really soon! So just hang with me & we'll go far!
Disclaimer: (**) Burger is a kind of cheer that evolved from Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. When we 'burger someone' - we are, in fact, serenading to him.
You're a burger, bloody oath you are
Girls are attracted to you, Cos you're a superstar
Some say you're ugly, But I don't give a damn
Cos I'm in love with you, bloody oath I am!
(Repeat 2 more times, each time getting louder)
Disclaiming the Disclaimer: The lyrics are from memory, and may very well be inaccurate. We did, however, burger at least three random males over the past 4 days. Oh, fun.

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