Friday, May 8, 2009

Hello, Insomnia.

We're good friends, aren't we?

I'm feeling the fatigue and wish I would just comatose now. Fall into a deep slumber for, like, ever.

See, today a voice in my head urged me out of bed some 35 minutes before class. That's my standard time and it works pretty well. Today as I was walking to a lecture at the Quad, the weather was so hot and I was probably still half asleep.

Today I fell.

Big deal. So clumsy.

The thing is, I think I blacked out. This might not be accurate because it happened so quick. I could have tripped - Yes, it's not that unbelievable (:

My body was moving on auto-pilot and I was almost late for the lecture. So as I was walking up the steps to the quad, I suddenly felt myself of the floor with some sort of impact. A girl in front of me asked if I was okay and I was like "yeah i'm fine", picked up my file (purple)(why am I mentioning the colour don't ask me)(so fun to digress)(with brackets) and just hurried off. Only after I got into the lecture theatre did I realise what was happening. Was reeling from it for the entire hour =/

I don't even know why I'm blogging about this. But yeah, I think I'm gonna fail my 2nd French test because I forgot (how, I don't know!!!) to put etre and avoir in front of my passe compose! What a stupid, Stupid mistake. I could kill myself for this! (Yes I don't take math for a reason)

But I'm sure God will provide. He's mighty and all-powerful and I just gotta keep trusting :D

Caught The Notebook which was really good, I reckon! It made the two guys I was watching with (who had watched it before) sit and stare in awe for like, 2 minutes after the credits started rolling Haha

Ryan Gosling was sohotyoucouldbakecookiesonhim. Rachel McAdams was crazily pretty too! Definitely a stellar cast - but must give credits to the director! :D
Especially loved the simplicity of the words and actions.

But I'm sure the book will win me over completely.

1 comment:

Reynold Leong said...

I can be your maths tutor if you take maths.. :)