Saturday, May 30, 2009

Let's walk to the ends of the earth

Time. Is everything.

There are 24 hours in a day - which Is enough, no matter how oft we claim that there's too little time, and so much to do.

Sometimes God makes it hard on purpose. Because even though from our perspective it's a clear straight road to our goal, God sometimes lead us in the other direction.

And very often, we get confused.

But if we keep trusting and clinging on to God, following blindly but following faithfully, God will reveal his plans, in His time.

And the time in between now and forever is important.
It stretches us. And allows us to explore. It ensures and confirms all that was previously blurry. The road is tough, and sometimes we're just feeling our way through the gravel.

But hold tight to the hand of God, for He's leading you.

And how can we be sure?

I guess we're never really sure. That's the beauty of it, I reckon. So much of it in this world that you might have to close your eyes.

A joke that will live past the punch-line.

Cling on fastidiously. God provides. Align yourself to His will, not expect His will to align with your life and expectations.

Thank God for friends that are part of all this beauty.

Goodnight xx

1 comment:

e said...

amazing stuff indeed. you are amazing!