Saturday, October 27, 2007

And So I Watch You From Afar

Friday nights are meant for TV(:

After all the crazy 9pm shows, there's Ghost Whisperer (Yea Jennifer Love Hewitt's hot alright. Though i think her singing career ended just shortly after she released her first single - barenaked. Correct me if i'm wrong, it's been years.)
It's remarkable how producers of Ghost Whisperer have managed to sustain this show. I mean, a woman who can see ghosts? It isn't easy to think of problems ghosts have right? But they make it very human and normal. (I think that producers of friends is the best. 9(?) seasons and it just gets funnier after ever episode.)

And then Survivor:China! HAHA i've never been much of a fan of such reality tv shows (okay fine except for America's next top model - all the bitching! sheesh!, and laguna beach for awhile)
But this. I don't understand how i managed to stay away from such shows.
Survivor china (oh aaron's out! drats) is like full of cunning, scheming people who want to win big bucks.
I think the only reason why i'm watching such shows is because it pleases me to watch people backstab each other.
I know That's a HORRIBLE, horrible thing to say! But apparently, I don't know. I feel really bad, and admitting it makes it even more worse. And true.
HAHA but yea all that voting people out stuff makes you sit on the edge of your seat and when people gets voted out, it's harsh.
And then there's all the challenges. Things people will do for money. Like Jaime. I thought she was really nice, but then! (last week's episode)

So if you're gna join survivor wherever one day, make sure that you're either Too good to be voted off the island, or that you're simply smart enough to gang up with all the right people and bump the 'better' people off the island.

I didn't know that! Haha i only knew howard who apparently, is the THE Love Guru and stuff like that. Heard that he(howard) gave denise keller loads of presents during the whole show!

There was a time when i totally thought utt(sada?) gregory something-something-whatever (He's gay and proof that i know that and am Totally over him? I can't even remember his full name! :D)and denise keller where made for each other!
But then i outgrew that period of self-delusion of course.

But enough of utt & denise keller. I'm here to talk about shan wee. Like i've said countless of times before, i love his accent. Okay fine im a sucker for english accents, provided that they're not too thick.
He's not much of a looker (not much, not Not) but after pairing up with ros, i've realised that he's a great DJ! of course, ros has always been but i used to hear him on his night shows and i thought that he was all just but another 'lousy' DJ that's just reading off scripts.
Of course, hosting alone is not easy.
I think.

And i feel so guilty. 4 years is enough to make anyone broke
But God will provide

For now, O'lvls!
Chimos :D

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