Tuesday, October 2, 2007

not again

I'm not in school, Again.
It ISN'T deliberate okay! in other words, i didn't PON SCHOOL
i really really didn't. hahahaha

leong posted about being complacent.(and that whole post reminds of the ronan keating song - if tmr never comes. SHEESH)
i agree and isn't that what most of us have been feeling all this while?
that we can do it, and stuff, without any help.
i don't know about you guys, but for me, i like doing certain things on my own
sometimes, i feel like i can do it all, if i want to
you see the flaw now?

haha anyway, whirlpool of emotions now.
SOMEHOW, my ipod(the black one) is missing, gone, nothing, zilch yea whatever
How surprising innit.
it was still 'fresh' in the box, and i wanted to use it and upload songs just.
well done. it's so very much like the DKNY perfume, no?
FYI you're just taking up space and oxygen.

wow i know i sound harsh but seriously!

i'm gna throw the ipod issue aside now, and go check up mr alexteoh's website and rip off chem notes
I Want My A1 Back In Chem!
(if that's even possible now)

see you all at school tmr!
I'll show up for sureeeee


it seems that i'm multiple-triple-blogging these few days.
my head's Always talking to me 24/7 and i never get a proper chance to spit everything out
too much going on, but sadly my fingers don't work as fast as my brain ( proof that my brain actually works and that i am as intelligent as i look HAHA)

Was just listening to the radio just now. like i've said, countless of times, i'm pretty much hooked on 97.7fm
the only thing that bothers me is (apart frm hosts with super irritating voices), callers who well, call in, and talk rubbish.
for example: today's infohound (howdoyouspellit) show (hosted by raven)
It's this show where raven comes up with a topic (today's topic is - are you a morning, or evening person?) and people call or sms in to share their opinions.
And apparently, a certain someone called in and said smethg Extremely contradicting.
it was something like: "morning people suck because they sleep the whole day, &waste the afternoon away" [i shan't even comment on the grammer! this is edited.]
and raven's like, but isn't it the evening people who sleep the whole morning because they stay up the whole night?
And the caller goes - NO... &*/click. i presume that either raven doesn't want the argument to be aired (she said it was an argument) or either one of them hung up.

i get a kick out of hearing these people talk rubbish and embarrass themselves on air.
okay fine i know i'm a bitch.
but it gets on my nerves! i don't know why but yea whatever happened to Speak Good English Campaigns and stuff like that

&i just wasted half an hour reading xiaxue's blog (http://www.xiaxue.blogspot.com)
HAHAHA i really shouldnt be doing this but hey to blog for a living?
That's something okay. requires skill and talent that i most certainly Do Not have because all i tend to do is rant and complain and nonsense the time away (like now, for instance)
anyway, her posts are all very amusing, if you get past the swear words and very random posts and stuff that should have ratings - like R21 or smethg.

Also, She Can be quite evil if you look at it in certain ways cause all she does is criticise.
Criticise, periodically throw in some adverts of course, and money comes rolling in.
*/snaps fingers - just like that!
But all the same, i go there for entertainment purposes, and she gives it to me - free! (it sounds wrong, doesn't it haha)

But i must say she impresses me in some ways, and disgusts me in others.
&when i say impress me, i don't actually mean her photoshop skills &tonnes of makeup she slaps unto her face everyday
When i say impress, i refer to the way she blogs. So very typical singaporean-like but then with some other elements added to it so it's singaporean-yet-not-so-singaporean all at once! (you guys don't get what i'm saying lol i don't blame you)
But yea, She is worthy of her title. Seriously.
Not everyone can do that! and her command of language is not bad too.
Two thumbs up.
you've got to like her, even if you don't want to.
i know, i know.

She's just not very nice only la (:

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