Friday, October 12, 2007


I am finished with you

did like 2 chemistry papers already
i think im kinda improving. i think
im so gna kill the chem paper that's in another 10 days or so
it's NOT going to be the other way around

plus its gna rain again
seems like its always raining la
okay maybe its just bedok(:
but the rain is super nice! haha or maybe its just me

i like bumming on the sofa and because of the balcony, i only feel the wind and coldness and don't get wet at all
so cosy, and then i can top it off with soda and chips or oreos and milk!
fantasie-impromptu!(chopin)(very nice)

Anyway, i think what ms loo said is totally true. when it nears to the very much dreaded O'lvls, everyone will start chionging maths and sciences.
Like me.
So today, i am gna do geog! okay not do but at least get started in memorising it.

yay me.

oh and did you know that Ludwig Van Beethoven was 'Abused' into becoming a child prodigy, like mozart?

okay bye, for now.

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