Sunday, October 28, 2007

The stars will cry the blackest tears tonight

Been mugging since around 11 in the morning
Stopped only to read HP
It's so addictive can. And you definitely won't get bored because J.K.Rowling is such a great author!

Anyway, They're showing nightmares &dreamscapes on tv, based on the short stories by Stephen King i think.
Lol stephen king is good. And his books never seem to make you feel so.. creeped out.
It makes you feel all weird but not to the point of fear - the kind that makes you feel Afraid of sleeping in the dark - the kind of fear that true blue horror movies can instill in you.

Anyway i'm watching HBO - Buddy. Goodness this woman is weird. Haha there's this english woman who absolutely loves animals. So she's already raising parrots and birds and dogs and cats and horses and chimps.
And then she decides to take in a sick baby gorilla. My she's eccentry.

And the gorilla is so funny la. Okay that's not a very nice thing to say.
But the chimps are hilarious! They act like little kids, just ten times more mischievious.

So i realised that humans are very ironic people.
For example, we call ourselves bitches and bastards and retarded and spastic, and we pride ourselves on that! I mean, What is Wrong with us anyway!

Hahaha i'm not aiming this at anyone, i mean, i just realised it. After all, i'm guilty of such a crime too.
But don't you think it's really funny? Not to mention, ironic. And a little on the contradicting side. After all, none of the people i normally call 'gay' or 'retarded' are really gays or retarded.
I mean, what If you really meet someone who's homosexual and really retarded? Obviously you wouldn't call them what they really are right?

HAHA okay like i said, human beings are the weirdest people on earth. Okay fine, we're the only people on earth. So that just makes us even more weird.

I have Absolutely No Idea what i'm ranting on about.

English and maths paper1 tmr!
Pray pray pray (:

Chimos :D

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