Tuesday, October 23, 2007

screaming infidilities

It's a nice morning.
But still.
Being cooped up at home all day with almost nothing to eat except junk food and only books to accompany you is Boring!
All i've got for entertainment purposes is the tv, piano and this computer.

I repeat.


I can't believe i'm saying this (okay fine actually i can)
but i miss school! Not just a little bit, but alot!
I miss the crazy laughter and nonsensensical things that never fail to happen every single day!
i don't know why im typing like this! But hey! I'm trying to make a point here!

HAHA sorry self-amusement.
But its true. I'm not talking about the essays and the black faces of the teachers, but the Fun parts of secondary school life.
No no, im not gna start a long story about secondary school, but let's just say that the many crazy moments? It'll never be the same again. (sadly)

It's true that No matter how many times a week i meet up with my friends in future, it'll never be the same.
As in, the magical moments that ONLY happen when you're 13-16/17 and you're in your lousy school uniform and you really don't care what the world thinks of you.
Those moments.

I think O'lvls has done this to me.
Okay not only me but almost everyone else.
It's just that i'm more verbal.

And what's with david copperfield raping a woman in the bahamas?

And Hero/Heroine is BLG's new single?
i thought it was their first single!
I was hoping for head over heels anyway
Come on! NEW ALBUM!

Oh yes, Taylors College accepted me.
So tentatively, i'll be leaving on the 31st Jan 2008
so it's either a :D
or a ):

Eeeee i'll miss singapore!
And You.
And you.
And you!
(it'll never stop)

Okay la studying's priority!

(i think i'm addicted to this word.)

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