Monday, October 6, 2008

Cockroaches should've been extinct a million years ago.


Last night I was happily blog-hopping, getting ready to go to sleep...AND THEN..This roach came crawling over from Cherie's side! It isn't huge but it's big enough to freak me out. And to put Geraldine less than 1m from a bug is just not a good idea!

I totally freaked out and scrambled over to my bed. I was ALONE in the room then! Msged Cherie but her phone was on her table! Texted T but there wasn't a reply! I was like dying! Trying to keep my eyes on the roach just in case it decided that it liked me and wanted to join me on the bed!!!

And then Cherie came back. I looked at her and merrily exclaimed THERE'S A COCKROACH IN OUR ROOM!!!!! She screamed, I screamed. Yep, it was a bloody screamfest in my room at 2.30am in the morning. She jumped on her bed and made me jump unto her bed too!

Then T came in: I could hear you all the way from the lift!
Okay la fine we were behaving like such gu niangs but HOW CAN THERE BE A COCKROACH IN MY ROOM! HAHAHA
Simply am unable to get my head around it. Roaches really should've died along with the dinosaurs.

But yeah we spent like at least 30mins hunting down that roach but it's smarter than it looks (which is disgusting) and is gone now. OR at least, out of sight!
Gross stuff. Why was I alone when it decided to show itself! Take off your invisibility cloak, ROACH A!

And some of you may be wondering why I don't just take a tissue and squash it, or use my slipper and whack it.

Well, I would give a very valid, solid reason by saying that I don't want to kill harmless creatures. But that would not be nice because I would be lying. The truth is..I WAS FREAKED OUT LA CAN OR NOT!

Hahahaha so Chukcha!!!!!!

Note from the Editor:
Obviously the Roach incident is freakin' significant because it's been given a slot in the World News page. And obviously i'm starting to do Media now stupid satellites and nucleus and headlines and newsworthiness and what not.

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