Thursday, October 23, 2008


It's amazing how serious I can get down to studying if I allow myself to. (Refer to previous post)

Nevermind that I have a bigass feeling that my econs essay is simply not good enough. I'm sick and tired of looking at it already.
So, we mugged (kinda..) till 2am in the morning which was absolutely horrendous. And may I insert a random fact now: I think PHAE is back! :D

Lessons will be over in 2 hours now. And then I have to go get my guardianship forms. It's annoying to be underaged in Australia! @$#Q*$ Like seriously just because i'm still under 18 when I start uni next year, it means that I have to a)apply for a guardian, what with fees and all b)stay in homestay or unilodge which is 5382yearsold

Very inconvenient time to be starting uni, hey?

But yes. Usyd came yesterday and it was cool. Asked a few questions and I've decided which courses I want to apply for (in order):

1. B.A Arts (media and comm)
2. B.A Arts (Languages)
3. B.A Arts

Haha and i think i'll take french as my second major and I was thinking of psychology as my third major, but I think that'll be too heavy! So if I think I can cope with a THIRD major i'll do English :D

Manymanymany days left to sunny Singapore! (:

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