Thursday, October 2, 2008

This is a very very very bitchy, angry post so do not read it if you don't want cheap thrills.

I have been doing some reading even though I just woke up like half an hour ago and i'm really pissed off!

This post would probably take away the PG rating for my blog and I realise now is a very wrong time to be funny.

Do read on only if you want to know the sad truth about the world. You guys probably won't get it anyway.


My bestfriend's heart got broken. Not just once, but so many times.
Was it worth it? you ask. Honestly, you'd have to ask her.

How many times in your LIFE, much less in 17 years of existence on this planet have you given your whole heart to LOVE someone for 3 bloody freaking years!?
It's not like that someone deserves it! Come on, he cheated on her, played with her feelings, lied to her! Lies deceit all those crap that my best friend does not deserve!
But yet, she chose to ignore what others were saying. She wanted to trust that person she loves.

It's NOT dumb at all!
IF you love someone, of course you'll want to trust him and believe him right!
If the relationship is merely just you doubting him and not believing a thing he says, then how is the relationship going to work out?

BUT THEN when the dude just goes all out to break your heart and lie to you, knowing that you'll believe him, then all i can say is: JERK!
And mind you, JERK is only an understatement.

I am pretty pissed now, because I feel so unjust and unfair for Cheryl; for what she's been put through.

I don't understand how she can tolerate this. If it was me, I'd have gone over and given that girl a slap. OR two. Or maybe more.
I know this is going against the whole Christianity thing, I mean, since you claim to be one. Because although i think you're a bitch, I feel so sorry for you. Because you. are. pathetic.

So this post is dedicated to you, clarissa. Be sure it is heart-felt and sincere.

Dear Clarissa,

No boyfriend need to steal someone else's one meh!?
Are you honestly that low? Honestly that helpless? Honestly that..DESPERATE?

1. Cheryl breakup with Him must blame you ar? Why not blame A?
Uhhhh. Hello you're throwing yourself all over the place? Why not take a good look in the mirror? Maybe your skanky tube tops are falling off. Also, why must blame A? Why cannot blame varian? OR jiang? Or other people cheryl is close with? Why A too handsome is it? You also want right!

2. If cheryl doesn't get the whole story, stop writing lame things about you?
HAHAHA omgosh how insanely MORON-ic is this. There can never be the WHOLE story to one person if this drama is happening. And why can't she write lame THE TRUTH about you, even if it's parts of it?

3. How much you get for your O's doesn't concern Cheryl?
AIYA SINGAPOREANS MAH WE ALL KAYPOH, NO? When we get our results also half the school come and ask us! Either you don't want us to feel jealous because of your awesome results, or maybe your results are practically non-existent.

4. 18 is a lousy no?
Tell that to my face, bitch.

5. "I'm so happy i'm talking to a female dog...BITCH!"
Okay when i read this i literally wanted to punch you in your porcelain face! Seriously, are you blonde or smethg? A bimbo? Or is the pot calling the kettle black?

6. You take back what you say (km incident)
If you have no basis of truth, don't say la. Still ask people to stop writing lame things about you if they don't have the whole story. DO YOU EVEN HAVE A STORY? Or are you just generating one? Creating one?

7. (i was unable to summarise this)
"since you say the whole world dont believe me and only you
then why should i believe you
and pls not the whole world dont believe me
at least i have june and my firends who believe me ok
and the know the story ok"

(18 points is not a good number?! HAHA) Well, maybe your 'firends' do believe you. Maybe 'the know the story'. But that doesn't mean that we don't believe cheryl too. Maybe we choose to believe her, us and the rest of the world, because we think that what you're doing is entirely wrong and extremely pathetic. I mean, come on, if you're childish enough and want to 'win', then do it and get gone! Even better, don't do it in the first place and deal with your own jealousy!

8. "good
show off what
good for yo la"


9. "eh, wanjie
my bestfriend
hi8 wanjie!!!
cher sucks hor?"

eh, cheryl
My TRUE bestfriend all the way from sydney (Not sitting beside me)
hi7 Cheryl!!!
Clar sucks hor?

Mate, seriously, i'm up in stitches now. Do you even understand what that means?

10. Loser leh...Act winner only...Why don wanna play? wad?
And this, my friends, is a typical case of how a sore loser reacts. If my best friend has admitted that she lost, you don't have to rub it in her face. And no, it's not 'fun wad'. Wad of what? Tissues is it!

11. Isn't CUNNING cheryl's best shot?
Nopeeeee. That is purely for you alone. I mean, you totally deserve it, no?

12. "write in your blog to let the whole world know
just write you one-sided story
believe what your friends tell you
believe what you THINK
and yet you say you believe me
pls la
dont come act here"

a) Blogs are online, which technically, yes, is to let the whole world know. Such good news, why not share right?
b) One-sided story? Maybe cheryl has one side, and you have the other side, so it makes up into one whole?
c)Believe what your friends tell you? Of course la. Then believe you meh?
d)Believe what you THINK. Erm hello. We are human beings with a good, functional brain which is used very purposefully for THINKING. So if you can't compete with our thinking standards because i don't know, your brain doesn't function just as well, then don't jealous lor.
e)don't come act here - Haha so singaporean LOR. Cheryl used to be an actress what. Cannot act meh? At least she has some sort of talent worth recognising...

14. You're not wrong, you're not wrong to like shannon, like shannon so wad (of tissue paper again)?
It IS wrong for you to like shannon because he was attached! It okay if you are attracted to him unknowingly but why do i have this eerie feeling that you knew what you were doing? That you're not as brain-dead as you look? So yeah, it IS wrong to steal someone's boyfriend and bitch about it and act all nice and friendly to Cheryl but when she's at her lowest, you kick her around and spit on her.

15. Your feelings right, so why should Cheryl bother?
Erm, actuallyyyyy she doesn't.

16. If shannon really loved cheryl, why would he fall in love with you?
Think about it. If you didn't act all slutty and throw yourself at him, maybe he won't? And it's shannon's fault too? And be careful, he can do this one time, and next time, he may choose someone else over you too. It's how a guy's brain works. Deal with it.

17. 7 heaven, best number and best reason?
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA true. But i don't think your whole 'steal-someone's-boyfriend-because-i'm-jealous-and-then-mock-her' plan is very godsent. Is it? Or which god you praying to?

18. "im more attractive than you, sorry leh, shannon [prefer me."
I have to say this. Shannon prefer you because you're more attractive? So...since you're so attractive, why would you want to settle for someone who cheats on his gf? Since you're all gorgeous, why shannon? Why not...say..A? (haha joking) Why not...wentworth miller? OH WAIT i think he must have met you and got so freaked out he turned gay. Oh well, look what you did to our female race?

19. "i thought you and km very close"
Cheryl has more, trustworthy, good friends than you'll ever have. And that, by itself, says a lot. Also, why not say that since i keep telling cheryl how i miss her and love her, that cheryl is lesbian? Why must you call her a flirt because she was close with your ex/current bf (i honestly can't tell the difference and don't care, really)? Same reason lor...JEALOUSY.

20. And the big two-O.
Were the question marks a sign that maybe the LOSER LOSER LOSER phrase should be directed at yourself? No poll needed for this one. I think everyone agrees with me, loser.

Please, feel free to add me on MSN so you can cheryl-bash, geraldine-bash, basically people-bash in general because that's your strongest point. My email is You can get my address there and send me hate mail. But because I live in Sydney, Australia, it may take a week or so for me to get it, so don't mind the slow reply.

Love, Gi (:


P.S This post is entirely based on what I THINK I know and what I feel. It may or may not be the truth, could be a one-sided affair. So if you have any problems, my tagboard is open for spamming.
P.P.S I Love you cheryl.

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