Sunday, October 5, 2008

I don't have to see it to believe it

Hellooo! This is going to be a pretty long post so bear with me alright. I'm ripe and bursting with words to say and pictures to show!

Firstly, Daylight Savings have officially begun! The time difference now, between Sydney and Xin Jia Po, is 3 hours!

Secondly, I REALLY want to go for KIDSFEST'08!
It's this weds and I realise how some of you may be shaking your heads now, but You're never too old to act like a kid okay!
And I REALLY want to put up the Rap thing they did for Kidsfest but it isn't anywhere on youtube (I know! How can right!) So I'm going to let you guys hear one of my favourite Hillsong Kids song! (Okay fine I only know like 5, tops)

Hahaha awesome stuff right!
And today, at the 11am service, they had a skit which was hilarious (you can always count on chrishan to add stuff into the script)

Anddddd I not only went for ONE service today. I went for TWO! The other one was at 7pm at the City Campus and it's the finale for Encounterfest08! Carl Lentz preached and He is Amazing! He talked about JOY and how we should ALL LEARN TO SMILE MORE! Which is true, isn't it! Our world is really so void of smiles and genuine happiness and Joy. And we christians wonder why everyone looks at us and not want what we have! Where. Is. Our. Joy?
Because if we lose our Joy, we lose our effectiveness! We can't engage and attract people. Joy is not circumstantial!
Also, It Is God who brings the breakthrough so we really don't have to worry, do we! I mean, it's GOD we're talking about? We're supposed to be free from worry!
So yeah. BRING ME MY EPHOD! (1 Samuel 30: 1-7)

Okay before I harp on about Encounterfest08, we went househunting today! Okay, maybe house hunting isn't the correct term. Because we only went to see two locations, and we didn't 'hunt' for them.
But yeah, one is The Mosiac, which is at Pitt street i think. Near Central station, near world square. Really quite convenient.

HAHA this picture is priceless. I realise that ria and cherie (respectively!!!) will now hunt me down and hang my head on the wall.

Master Bedroom at The penthouse.

View from the Master Bedroom. And I haven't gotten used to the whole DRYER thing because I wanted to ask "Where to dry our clothes ar?"

Master bedroom's toilet. No idea why Cherie would need two sinks but this is obviously for a couple. But nvm IF we are living there I can share toilet with her :D (Also,I have no idea what that pangsai on the right sink is haha)

Toilet PartII

Ria: "You want to rent a room? Got ledge somemore!"

It's not as big as it looks. And the wardrobes have mirrors on them which I don't like!

The living room. Just change direction and then it kinda looks like my house right!

First floor bedroom (of penthouse)

Yeah and after looking at two apartments there, we went to eat sushi/draw money/easyway. Which means MORE cam-whoring!

Blur Part I (I know...Many unglam photos but what to do!)(Haha didn't make sense)

Blur Part II Red suspenders and IHEARTREV Tshirt!

Cherie saves the day but We don't want to see ria's jacket.

Okay cherie saves the day again with a lot of dictating to move updownleftright! As you can see, I am (fake)shocked that my nails match ria's red suspenders.

And then we went to The Lumiere..

This is the lobby. Looks so nice right! Like hotel haha

Ria is unseen.

Haha we kinda look like a bunch of twits

Haha lameface

She is GAY and I am JAY (chou)

Okay fine. Lameness can sometimes be overwhelming. You kinda just get swallowed up in it. You get so lame you cannot walk!

Well yeah. Finally. Encounterfest 08!


Shame on you if you didn't go! Shame on you if you thought 30$ is too much! Shame on you if you didn't fly over to Sydney specially just to see Carl Lentz and ME!! No la the last one was a joke.

But yeah! Encounterfest was just mindblowing-ly, groundshaking-ly FILLED with Awesome-ness!

Not only did we record 6 live songs for United's new album (don't be jealous. You'll get it soon enough muahahaha)(No la got youtube don't worry), but Carl Lentz preached two messages that literally blew me away. On saturday, J.Houston talked about IHeartRevolution which kinda made me want to be a part of it! And then Crishan preached about Advancing God's Kingdom and how we have got to LOSE, SEE and finally, FIND!

And last night, Mike (Sorry I am unable to spell his surname and I don't want to try) preached a short message on Zephaniah 3:17.

The Lord Your God is with You: We want to know Who we are and why we should go, Like Moses questioned God when God told him to go to Egypt. BUT the thing is, All we need to know is that God is with us! What distinguishes us, and sets us apart, is God's presence.

He is Mighty to save: Simply put, God turns everything around, including our lives, when no one else could. "Fear Not", Jesus Said.

He will take great delight in you: He cannot wait to meet us! Because of His love for us! He cannot wait to hear us shout praises to him, to sing and make music for him, to pray and talk to him, to meet him.....

He will quiet you with His love: Imagine a huge department store. Imagine a little boy standing there, his eyes welled up with tears. Imagine two old ladies walking by and asking: "Little boy..Are you lost?" Imagine the little boy having nothing to say and all he can do there and then is Cry! Wail and scream and shout for his mummy. Imagine his mummy coming to him and whispering and taking her son into her arms. Imagine the mummy soothing his back and hushing him and assuring him, telling her son that everything will be alright. Imagine the mummy quieting her son with her love. Life is hard and on the inside we are weeping. But God wants to quieten us with His love. He. Wants. To.

He will rejoice over you with singing: Doesn't this line just blow your mind? Like, shouldn't it be other way around? That we should rejoice over God with OUR singing? But nope! God loves us sooooo much He wants to rejoice over us! His wonderful, good, perfect creation! That line, in Hebrew, literally means 'spins like a top and lets out whoops of joy'.

Dudes! How awesome is that right!
So yeah, Have a Fresh Encounter with JC today! Cos HE DA MAN YO.

Peace out!

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